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Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC
Houston, Texas
1111 Hermann Drive, Suite 12 B, 77004

Contact:  David Yadin, P.E., Ed.D., C.C.E., C.N.A.F.E.
713-522-6666 Or Toll Free
1111 Hermann Drive, Suite 12 B
Houston, Texas 77004

Contact:  David Yadin, P.E., Ed.D., C.C.E., C.N.A.F.E.
Over the past 35 years, Dr. David has developed, directed and taught healthcare life cycle technology management focusing on risk mitigation of medical devices and of their accessories.

Dr. David's expertise includes successful completion of close to two hundred adverse events investigations associated with medical and surgical and telehealth products, dozens of depositions and court testimonies as a qualified expert.

Dr. David established award-wining hospital-based technical services program and regulatory compliance knowledge supported by experience, licensure as register professional engineer in Texas, certification in clinical engineering and in the field of forensic engineering and technology. Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC (BEC) provides expert services in the safe and effective management of healthcare technology throughout its life cycle from development through obsolesce. As a member of the FDA advisory panel and of standards writing bodies, BEC brings unique expertise with regulatory and compliance requirements to hospitals, industry, service providers, and the legal professional.
Accident Investigations,  Biomedical Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Medical Devices,  Patents,  Product Liability,  Product Warnings,  Telemedicine, 

Over the past 35 years, Dr. David has developed, directed and taught healthcare life cycle technology management focusing on risk mitigation of medical devices and of their accessories.

Dr. David's expertise includes successful completion of close to two hundred adverse events investigations associated with medical and surgical and telehealth products, dozens of depositions and court testimonies as a qualified expert.

Dr. David established award-wining hospital-based technical services program and regulatory compliance knowledge supported by experience, licensure as register professional engineer in Texas, certification in clinical engineering and in the field of forensic engineering and technology. Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC (BEC) provides expert services in the safe and effective management of healthcare technology throughout its life cycle from development through obsolesce. As a member of the FDA advisory panel and of standards writing bodies, BEC brings unique expertise with regulatory and compliance requirements to hospitals, industry, service providers, and the legal professional.

Dr. C.J. Abraham - Scientific Advisory Services, Ltd.
Great Neck, New York
3 Baker Hill Road, 11023

Contact:  Dr. C. J. Abraham, P.E.
516-974-7565 Or Toll Free
3 Baker Hill Road
Great Neck, New York 11023

Contact:  Dr. C. J. Abraham, P.E.

Dr. C.J. Abraham's CV

~Over 40 Years of International Experience Consulting to Insurance Companies, Municipalities, Government Agencies, and the Legal Profession in Personal Injury & Product Liability Cases. In Addition, Consultation and Participation in More than 5,000 Matters involving Human Factors, Safety, Personal Injury & Product Liability for Plaintiffs, Defendants, Private Industry, Insurance Companies, Municipalities, and Government Agencies.~ Office phone number: 516-482-5374
Accident Reconstruction,  ADA,  Amusement Parks,  Apparel,  Biomedical Injury Analysis,  Brain Damage Injury,  Brain Injuries,  Burn Injury,  Chemical Engineering,  Chemistry,  Concussions,  Construction Safety,  Consumer Products,  Exercise Facilities,  Fire and Explosions,  Fires and Explosion,  Flammable Fabrics,  Foam Pits,  Hazardous Materials,  Helmets,  Household Industrial Products,  Human Factors,  Industrial Accidents,  Industrial Hygiene,  Labels and Warnings,  OSHA,  Park and Playground Accidents,  Personal Injury,  Product Liability,  Recreation Accidents,  Risk Assessment,  Safety,  Safety Engineering,  Safety Occupational,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Sports Accidents,  Sports and Recreation,  Swimming Pools,  Textile and Clothing Industry,  Toxic Exposures,  Toy Safety Design,  Trampoline Parks,  Water Parks, 

Dr. C.J. Abraham's CV

~Over 40 Years of International Experience Consulting to Insurance Companies, Municipalities, Government Agencies, and the Legal Profession in Personal Injury & Product Liability Cases. In Addition, Consultation and Participation in More than 5,000 Matters involving Human Factors, Safety, Personal Injury & Product Liability for Plaintiffs, Defendants, Private Industry, Insurance Companies, Municipalities, and Government Agencies.~ Office phone number: 516-482-5374

E & S Consulting, Inc.
Saint Augustine, Florida
124 Calle de Leon, 32086

Contact:  Edward George
904-826-1431 Or Toll Free 800-259-7464
124 Calle de Leon
Saint Augustine, Florida 32086

Contact:  Edward George
904-826-1431 Or Toll Free 800-259-7464
Email: eandsconsultinginc@gmail.comperience
Court-Qualified Professional Engineering Experts, Forensic Science and Engineering, Products Liability, Metallurgical/Material Failure Analysis, Certified Welding Inspection, Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, 25+ Yrs Ex
Accident Investigations,  Accident Reconstruction,  Failure Analysis,  Fire and Explosions,  Materials Science,  Metallurgy,  Product Liability, 

Email: eandsconsultinginc@gmail.comperience
Court-Qualified Professional Engineering Experts, Forensic Science and Engineering, Products Liability, Metallurgical/Material Failure Analysis, Certified Welding Inspection, Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, 25+ Yrs Ex

E4 Consulting, Inc.
Jacksonville, Florida
4600 Touchton Road
Building 100, Suite 150, 32246

Contact:  Dr. Paul Eason
904-279-9300 Or Toll Free 888-504-5454
4600 Touchton Road
Building 100, Suite 150
Jacksonville, Florida 32246

Contact:  Dr. Paul Eason
904-279-9300 Or Toll Free 888-504-5454
Dr. Paul Eason at E4 Consulting provides engineering solutions for industry and the legal community. Our Expertise comes from years of combined training and experience in academia, industry and consulting. We assist clients in issues of property loss, litigation, project risk assessment and process safety. Our approach to investigation, analysis, and research follows all applicable codes and standards, to provide the most reliable and reproducible results and opinions. We are available immediately serve clients throughout the nation and abroad.
Failure Analysis,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Forensics,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Industrial Accidents,  Metallurgy,  OSHA,  Product Liability, 

Dr. Paul Eason at E4 Consulting provides engineering solutions for industry and the legal community. Our Expertise comes from years of combined training and experience in academia, industry and consulting. We assist clients in issues of property loss, litigation, project risk assessment and process safety. Our approach to investigation, analysis, and research follows all applicable codes and standards, to provide the most reliable and reproducible results and opinions. We are available immediately serve clients throughout the nation and abroad.

Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation
Hampton, Virginia
2503 58th Street Suite A, 23661

Contact:  Meagan McBride
757-265-9333 Or Toll Free 800-224-3595
2503 58th Street Suite A
Hampton, Virginia 23661

Contact:  Meagan McBride
757-265-9333 Or Toll Free 800-224-3595
Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation (FAEC) is more than an engineering firm. Our team of professional engineers, qualified scientists and specialized experts will work with you to resolve your case quickly, accurately and objectively. We have been providing a broad range of forensic investigations for a diverse worldwide client base for more than 50 years, by solving thousands of puzzling questions and helping settle billions of dollars in claims and personal losses spanning the gamut from fire & explosions, accident reconstructions, storm & catastrophic events, product defects to a wide array of marine losses. FAEC has a well-founded reputation for providing defendable, court-approved analyses which convincingly define why an event occurred. Our rapid response team is ready 24/7 to support your file effort by getting the answers you need, when you need them!
Accident Injury,  Accident Reconstruction,  Admiralty,  Amusement Parks,  Automobile Accidents,  Aviation,  Biomechanics,  Biomedical and Biomechanical Injury Analysis,  Biomedical Engineering,  Boating,  Building Code Compliance,  Carbon Monoxide,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Code Compliance,  Commercial Vehicle Accident Reconstruction,  Computer Data Recovery,  Computer Forensics,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Consumer Products,  Document Alterations,  Document Analysis,  Document Examiner,  Document Management,  Earthquake Damage,  Electrical Engineering,  Elevators and Escalators,  Equipment and Machinery,  Failure Analysis,  Farms and Farm Safety,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Forensics,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Fire Protection Investigations,  Food Safety,  Forensic Engineering,  Forklifts,  Geotechnical Engineering,  Groundwater Resources and Contamination,  Hail Damages,  Handwriting Experts,  Human Factors,  Hurricane Damage,  HVAC Investigations,  Indoor Air Quality,  Industrial Accidents,  Job Safety Analysis,  Lab Testing and Analysis,  Ladders and Manlifts,  Litigation Support,  Machine Safety,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Maritime,  Materials Science,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Mold and Moisture,  Motor Vehicles,  Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction,  Noise Measurement and Control,  Occupational Injury,  Office Buildings,  Oil and Gas,  OSHA,  Paint and Coatings,  Park and Playground Accidents,  Patents,  Personal Injury,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Plumbing,  Process Safety Chemicals and Oil Refining,  Product Failure,  Product Failure Determination,  Product Liability,  Reconstruction,  Reinforced Concrete and Masonry,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Safety Engineering,  Shooting Incident Reconstruction,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Solar Energy,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Toxic Exposures,  Trial Consultants,  Water and Flood Damage, 

Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation (FAEC) is more than an engineering firm. Our team of professional engineers, qualified scientists and specialized experts will work with you to resolve your case quickly, accurately and objectively. We have been providing a broad range of forensic investigations for a diverse worldwide client base for more than 50 years, by solving thousands of puzzling questions and helping settle billions of dollars in claims and personal losses spanning the gamut from fire & explosions, accident reconstructions, storm & catastrophic events, product defects to a wide array of marine losses. FAEC has a well-founded reputation for providing defendable, court-approved analyses which convincingly define why an event occurred. Our rapid response team is ready 24/7 to support your file effort by getting the answers you need, when you need them!

Garrett Forensics
Long Beach, California
100 W Broadway Ste 320, 90802

Contact:  Robert Dean
562-997-3013 Or Toll Free 800-229-3647
100 W Broadway Ste 320
Long Beach, California 90802

Contact:  Robert Dean
562-997-3013 Or Toll Free 800-229-3647
For over 50 years, Garretts’ team of experts have successfully provided, and continue to provide, superior forensic investigations and analysis for our clients. We have connected our clients with experts in a variety of different scientific disciplines and pride ourselves on offering independent and objective analysis which may be utilized by our clients to help settle claims, disputes, and/or prevail in litigated matters requiring expert witness testimony.
Our experts can provide you with a reliable analysis to better understand the scientific and/or technical issues affecting your matter. Their investigation, analysis, and, if needed, testimony can give you the confidence of knowing exactly what happened and how to help you effectively resolve any possible disputes over the incident.

Whether your problem is simple, complex or somewhere in between, our experts can help.
Accident Analysis,  Accident Investigations,  Accident Reconstruction,  Automotive,  Automotive Component Failures,  Biomechanics,  Civil Engineering,  Code Compliance,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Cranes,  Earthquake Damage,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Geotechnical Engineering,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Mechanical Engineering,  Premises Liability,  Product Liability,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Traffic Engineering,  Workplace Injury, 

For over 50 years, Garretts’ team of experts have successfully provided, and continue to provide, superior forensic investigations and analysis for our clients. We have connected our clients with experts in a variety of different scientific disciplines and pride ourselves on offering independent and objective analysis which may be utilized by our clients to help settle claims, disputes, and/or prevail in litigated matters requiring expert witness testimony.
Our experts can provide you with a reliable analysis to better understand the scientific and/or technical issues affecting your matter. Their investigation, analysis, and, if needed, testimony can give you the confidence of knowing exactly what happened and how to help you effectively resolve any possible disputes over the incident.

Whether your problem is simple, complex or somewhere in between, our experts can help.

Maronick Associates
Baltimore, Maryland
5911 Charlesmead Road, 21212

Contact:  Thomas J. Maronick, DBA, JD
410-435-8387 Or Toll Free
5911 Charlesmead Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212

Contact:  Thomas J. Maronick, DBA, JD
Dr. Thomas J. Maronick, DBA, JD is the former Director of the Office of Impact Evaluation in the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission. He was the in-house marketing and advertising expert for all Divisions of the Bureau of Consumer Protection for over 16 years.
Accountants Malpractice,  Advertising,  Consumer Products,  False Accusations,  Forensic Marketing,  Labels and Warnings,  Marketing,  Multi Level Affiliate Marketing,  Product Liability,  Product Warnings,  Surveys and Assessments,  Trademark, 

Dr. Thomas J. Maronick, DBA, JD is the former Director of the Office of Impact Evaluation in the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission. He was the in-house marketing and advertising expert for all Divisions of the Bureau of Consumer Protection for over 16 years.

Paul F. Amoruso, CPCU
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
P.O. Box 981, 34 Barstow Street, 02739

Contact:  Paul F. Amoruso
508-644-1074 Or Toll Free
P.O. Box 981, 34 Barstow Street
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts 02739

Contact:  Paul F. Amoruso
Additional E-mail:
Flammable Fabrics,  Insurance,  Insurance Agent Broker,  Insurance Bad Faith,  Insurance Coverage and Practices,  Product Liability,  Risk Management,  Workers' Compensation, 

Additional E-mail:

Peterson Engineering, Inc.
Merrifield, Minnesota
27488 Ridgewood Drive, 56465

Contact:  Donn N. Peterson, PE, D-IBFES, President
218-765-3556 Or Toll Free
27488 Ridgewood Drive
Merrifield, Minnesota 56465

Contact:  Donn N. Peterson, PE, D-IBFES, President
Donn N. Peterson, PE, D-IBFES, President
Peterson Engineering, Inc.
evaluates the engineering sciences aspects of incidents and artifacts that may become subjects of litigation. We help clients evaluate the merits of their case. We also help identify and develop relevant issues. Much of our work relates to civil litigation cases. We have also given expert witness testimonies in several criminal cases.
Eyewitness testimonies are often incomplete, inaccurate in certain details, and sometimes contradictory. We can help fill missing gaps and resolve conflicts in eyewitness accounts.
Accident Reconstruction,  Forensic Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering,  Product Liability,  Slip, Trip, and Fall, 

Donn N. Peterson, PE, D-IBFES, President
Peterson Engineering, Inc.
evaluates the engineering sciences aspects of incidents and artifacts that may become subjects of litigation. We help clients evaluate the merits of their case. We also help identify and develop relevant issues. Much of our work relates to civil litigation cases. We have also given expert witness testimonies in several criminal cases.
Eyewitness testimonies are often incomplete, inaccurate in certain details, and sometimes contradictory. We can help fill missing gaps and resolve conflicts in eyewitness accounts.

Safety Through Engineering, Inc.
New Carlisle, Ohio
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike, 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
937-964-1900 Or Toll Free
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
Amusement Parks,  ANSI Standards,  Code Compliance,  Confined Space,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cranes,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Fall Protection,  Job Safety Analysis,  Machine Safety,  OSHA,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Safety Audit,  Safety Engineering,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Training Programs,  Wrongful Death, 

Sterling Anthony Consultancy, LLC
Detroit, Michigan
100 Renaissance Center-Box 43176, 48243

Contact:  Sterling Anthony, B.S., M.B.A., CPP
313-531-1875 Or Toll Free
100 Renaissance Center-Box 43176
Detroit, Michigan 48243

Contact:  Sterling Anthony, B.S., M.B.A., CPP
Product liability, personal injury, patent infringement, and insurance claims cases involving packaging, labeling, warnings, cargo loading & securement, falling merchandise, material handling, warehousing, and retailing. A 40-year career compiled in industry, academia, consulting, and casework. Professional certifications in packaging, materials management, material handling, transportation, inventory control, and purchasing. More than 200 published articles. Have presented at many conferences and seminars. A proven analyst, communicator, and report writer. Experienced in giving depositions and in testifying in state and federal courts. References available from Plaintiff lawyers and Defense lawyers.
Material Handling,  Packaging,  Patents,  Personal Injury,  Product Liability, 

Product liability, personal injury, patent infringement, and insurance claims cases involving packaging, labeling, warnings, cargo loading & securement, falling merchandise, material handling, warehousing, and retailing. A 40-year career compiled in industry, academia, consulting, and casework. Professional certifications in packaging, materials management, material handling, transportation, inventory control, and purchasing. More than 200 published articles. Have presented at many conferences and seminars. A proven analyst, communicator, and report writer. Experienced in giving depositions and in testifying in state and federal courts. References available from Plaintiff lawyers and Defense lawyers.

Automotive Design Analysis
South Lyon, Michigan
10945 Stoney Point, 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian
248-376-0338 Or Toll Free
10945 Stoney Point
South Lyon, Michigan 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.
Accident Investigations,  Accident Photo Analysis,  Automotive,  Chemicals,  Chemistry,  Copyright Infringement,  Electrical,  Electrical Engineering,  Electronics,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Forensic Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Licensing,  Litigation Support,  Materials Science,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motor Vehicles,  Patents,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Scientific and Engineering,  Telecommunications,  Trademark,  Transportation,  Trucking, 

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.

Beatrice C. Engstrand, M.D., F.A.A.N. Neurologist Diplomate in Neurology
Gorham, New Hampshire
PO Box 329, 03581

Contact:  Beatrice Engstrand
631-300-8575 Or Toll Free
Neurologist Diplomate in Neurology
PO Box 329
Gorham, New Hampshire 03581

Contact:  Beatrice Engstrand

 Beatrice Engstrand's CV

Dr. Beatrice C. Engstrand, M.D., F.A.A.N., F.A.C.G.S., is a board-certified neurologist, fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, fellow of The American College of Geriatrics Specialists, and Diplomate of the American Board of Ethical Physicians.

She is a published author and the founder and president of the Neurodegenerative Disease Foundation. Dr. Engstrand received the Quality Compassion Service Award in recognition of 25 years of service from Westchester Medical Center. In recognition of her outstanding achievements, Lehigh University awarded her an Honorary Doctor of Science. Dr. Engstrand practices clinical neurology in Huntington, L.I. and is a clinical Associate Professor of Neurology at New York Medical College.

For 7 consecutive years, Dr. Engstrand hosted " Neurology with Dr. Engstrand" on radio 710 WOR. She was selected by Talkers Magazine for inclusion in " The Frontier Fifty: A selection of Outstanding Talk Media Webcasters."

Dr. Engstrand is a national and an international expert. She has served on cases with multimillion dollar verdicts for plaintiffs and multimillions of dollars saved for the defense. Licensed in New York and New Hampshire. Cell 631-300-8575.
Brain Damage Injury,  Legal Malpractice,  Legal Medicine,  Neurology,  Personal Injury,  Product Liability,  Trial Consultants,  Wrongful Death, 

 Beatrice Engstrand's CV

Dr. Beatrice C. Engstrand, M.D., F.A.A.N., F.A.C.G.S., is a board-certified neurologist, fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, fellow of The American College of Geriatrics Specialists, and Diplomate of the American Board of Ethical Physicians.

She is a published author and the founder and president of the Neurodegenerative Disease Foundation. Dr. Engstrand received the Quality Compassion Service Award in recognition of 25 years of service from Westchester Medical Center. In recognition of her outstanding achievements, Lehigh University awarded her an Honorary Doctor of Science. Dr. Engstrand practices clinical neurology in Huntington, L.I. and is a clinical Associate Professor of Neurology at New York Medical College.

For 7 consecutive years, Dr. Engstrand hosted " Neurology with Dr. Engstrand" on radio 710 WOR. She was selected by Talkers Magazine for inclusion in " The Frontier Fifty: A selection of Outstanding Talk Media Webcasters."

Dr. Engstrand is a national and an international expert. She has served on cases with multimillion dollar verdicts for plaintiffs and multimillions of dollars saved for the defense. Licensed in New York and New Hampshire. Cell 631-300-8575.

LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C.
North White Plains, New York
7 Reservoir Road, 10603

Contact:  Steven Pietropaolo President & CEO P.E., CFEI, CFII
914-670-0208 Or Toll Free
7 Reservoir Road
North White Plains, New York 10603

Contact:  Steven Pietropaolo President & CEO P.E., CFEI, CFII
Certified Fire and Explosive Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator Instructor (CFII). Over 25 years engineering experience including electrical, mechanical materials, safety, fire protection and construction. Extensive knowledge of codes and standards. Expertise in forensic investigations of: Product defects, fires/explosions, accidents/injuries, building failures, electro/mechanical system failures, and utility company procedures/equipment. He has been retained on numerous large multimillion-dollar property damage cases as well as fatal accidents, fires/explosions and other grave injury matters.
Fire and Explosions,  Forensic Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Product Liability,  Scientific and Engineering, 

Certified Fire and Explosive Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator Instructor (CFII). Over 25 years engineering experience including electrical, mechanical materials, safety, fire protection and construction. Extensive knowledge of codes and standards. Expertise in forensic investigations of: Product defects, fires/explosions, accidents/injuries, building failures, electro/mechanical system failures, and utility company procedures/equipment. He has been retained on numerous large multimillion-dollar property damage cases as well as fatal accidents, fires/explosions and other grave injury matters.

mdi Consultants, Inc.
Great Neck, New York
55 Northern Blvd. , 11021

Contact:  Alan Schwartz
516-482-9001 Or Toll Free
55 Northern Blvd.
Great Neck, New York 11021

Contact:  Alan Schwartz
mdi Consultants, Inc - Experts in FDA regulatory affairs, quality assurance and ISO 9000 certification. With 6 years in the FDA and 37 years consulting to the industry, mdi Consultants, Inc. has been an invited Speaker worldwide on FDA regulations and policies and has obtained FDA expert status as third party auditors. OUR APPROACH We utilize the following three part approach to providing high quality services to our clients: Unsurpassed consultant experience – we identify and recruit only top quality consultants with deep industry knowledge to provide the most complete and insightful advice to our clients Up-to-date systems and processes – we have highly defined systems (e.g. manuals, training programs, technical files) and processes (e.g. audit methodologies, 510(k) submission, validations) that are constantly refined and kept current across the ever changing regulatory environment Involvement in regulation development – we stay ahead of policies by participating in the development of regulation (e.g. HACCP, Scientific Advisor to U.S. Congressmen)
Food Manufacturing,  Food Safety,  Food Service,  Medical Devices,  Pharmaceuticals,  Product Liability,  Product Warnings, 

mdi Consultants, Inc - Experts in FDA regulatory affairs, quality assurance and ISO 9000 certification. With 6 years in the FDA and 37 years consulting to the industry, mdi Consultants, Inc. has been an invited Speaker worldwide on FDA regulations and policies and has obtained FDA expert status as third party auditors. OUR APPROACH We utilize the following three part approach to providing high quality services to our clients: Unsurpassed consultant experience – we identify and recruit only top quality consultants with deep industry knowledge to provide the most complete and insightful advice to our clients Up-to-date systems and processes – we have highly defined systems (e.g. manuals, training programs, technical files) and processes (e.g. audit methodologies, 510(k) submission, validations) that are constantly refined and kept current across the ever changing regulatory environment Involvement in regulation development – we stay ahead of policies by participating in the development of regulation (e.g. HACCP, Scientific Advisor to U.S. Congressmen)

Aleksander & Associates P.A.
Boise, Idaho
P.O. Box 140558 , 83714

Contact:  Adam K. Aleksander
208-321-0200 Or Toll Free
P.O. Box 140558
Boise, Idaho 83714

Contact:  Adam K. Aleksander

Adam K. Aleksander's CV

Dr. Adam K. Aleksander, PhD, PE, CSP, has over 40 years of experience in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Human Factors, and Safety Engineering. He combines both academic credentials and active work in industry to provide a grounded perspective in Product Liability, Industrial Incidents, Warnings, and OSHA related issues. He is also a VP of an Energy Services firm, with over 35 overseas assignments related to forensic services, power utility issues, and equipment failures.

Dr. Aleksander has been a practicing engineer since 1972, focusing his Manufacturing, Consulting and Forensic investigations on Problem Definition and Root Cause Analysis of complex problems in confidential issues. His firm has experience encompassing an enormous variety of claims, from large $45 million dollar dam claims, to environmental clean-up claims, to small road construction claims. His litigation services often involve reconstruction, perception reaction studies, warnings, equipment operation, mechanical failures, industrial accidents, skiing, and bicycling injuries.

As an Expert Witness, Dr. Aleksander has worked with many clients, including plaintiff's and defendant's attorneys, both civil and criminal, attorneys representing corporations, corporations in the power utility area, and corporations that produce products. His services are also available to insurance executives with complex claims issues that involve industrial or utility related losses. Dr. Aleksander has been retained over 125 times in a wide range of technical investigations.

Litigation Expertise:
Product Liability - Design, Manufacturing and Marketing Defects, Involving Damage, Injury or Fatality
Equipment Failures - Proximal Cause of Failure with Contributing Factors
Human Factors, Visibility, Ergonomics, and General Research Issues - Product Usability, Warnings, Instructions, Perception, Reaction Time, Visibility and Conspicuity Issues
Construction, OSHA, and Safety Engineering - Regulatory and Safety Issues
Industrial Projects
Power Utility - Service and Equipment Failures
Human Factors,  Industrial Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering,  Product Liability, 

Adam K. Aleksander's CV

Dr. Adam K. Aleksander, PhD, PE, CSP, has over 40 years of experience in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Human Factors, and Safety Engineering. He combines both academic credentials and active work in industry to provide a grounded perspective in Product Liability, Industrial Incidents, Warnings, and OSHA related issues. He is also a VP of an Energy Services firm, with over 35 overseas assignments related to forensic services, power utility issues, and equipment failures.

Dr. Aleksander has been a practicing engineer since 1972, focusing his Manufacturing, Consulting and Forensic investigations on Problem Definition and Root Cause Analysis of complex problems in confidential issues. His firm has experience encompassing an enormous variety of claims, from large $45 million dollar dam claims, to environmental clean-up claims, to small road construction claims. His litigation services often involve reconstruction, perception reaction studies, warnings, equipment operation, mechanical failures, industrial accidents, skiing, and bicycling injuries.

As an Expert Witness, Dr. Aleksander has worked with many clients, including plaintiff's and defendant's attorneys, both civil and criminal, attorneys representing corporations, corporations in the power utility area, and corporations that produce products. His services are also available to insurance executives with complex claims issues that involve industrial or utility related losses. Dr. Aleksander has been retained over 125 times in a wide range of technical investigations.

Litigation Expertise:
Product Liability - Design, Manufacturing and Marketing Defects, Involving Damage, Injury or Fatality
Equipment Failures - Proximal Cause of Failure with Contributing Factors
Human Factors, Visibility, Ergonomics, and General Research Issues - Product Usability, Warnings, Instructions, Perception, Reaction Time, Visibility and Conspicuity Issues
Construction, OSHA, and Safety Engineering - Regulatory and Safety Issues
Industrial Projects
Power Utility - Service and Equipment Failures

David C. Gross, PhD, PE
West Lafayette, Indiana
1330 Win Hentschel Blvd, 47906

Contact:  David C. Gross, PhD, PE
765-404-4692 Or Toll Free
1330 Win Hentschel Blvd
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906

Contact:  David C. Gross, PhD, PE
Cell: 765-404-4692

David Gross, PhD, PE, is the Director of MRI Safety Evaluations and Engineering Simulations at MED Institute. As a graduate research associate, he was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association (AHA) for his research focusing on improving the MRI safety of patients with implanted cardiovascular devices. He is a member of numerous societies, including the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) where he received the Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at the 2016 ISMRM Annual Conference. Additionally, he was a member of the Ethics Subcommittee for the Biomedical Engineering Society. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S.E. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. He also holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ohio State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer.
Accident Analysis,  ANSI Standards,  Biomechanics,  Biomedical and Biomechanical Injury Analysis,  Biomedical Engineering,  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),  Failure Analysis,  Intellectual Properties,  Medical Devices,  MRI,  Product Failure Determination,  Product Liability, 

Cell: 765-404-4692

David Gross, PhD, PE, is the Director of MRI Safety Evaluations and Engineering Simulations at MED Institute. As a graduate research associate, he was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association (AHA) for his research focusing on improving the MRI safety of patients with implanted cardiovascular devices. He is a member of numerous societies, including the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) where he received the Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at the 2016 ISMRM Annual Conference. Additionally, he was a member of the Ethics Subcommittee for the Biomedical Engineering Society. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S.E. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. He also holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ohio State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer.

Randy Phares
Surprise, Arizona
15504 North 169th Ave, 85388

Contact:  Randy Phares
775-443-5529 Or Toll Free
15504 North 169th Ave
Surprise, Arizona 85388

Contact:  Randy Phares

Randy Phares's CV

Randy Phares is an expert in packaging, distribution, transportation and manufacturing, especially corrugated and folding carton packaging. He is also an expert on pallets, crating, warehousing and transporting products by semi-truck.

Randy Phares does forensic analysis of packaging failures that caused damage or injury. He has bought, sold operated, supervised, removed and installed packaging machinery. He has managed many warehouses and a fleet of trucks. He has run a packaging testing lab and held almost every job in a packaging operation over his 30 year career. He has completed Expert Reports on packaging failure, load securement, freight transportation, intellectual property, crating, packaging design, Lean Manufacturing, intellectual property and pallets.

Randy Phares has given Depositions, testified at Trial and consulted with attorneys in a variety of cases. He is an esteemed consultant in the packaging field and has done consulting projects.

Randy Phares was a Regional Safety Champion for a Fortune 500 manufacturing corporation. He also holds a US Patent. He was on the Advisory Board of Paperboard Packaging Magazine. He was on the Packaging Consulting Council of the Technical Association for the Pulp & Paper Industry, a Vice Chair for the Packaging Consultants Council of the Institute of Packaging Professionals, President of the South Texas Manufacturer's Association and is the President of the Paperboard Packaging Group with over 33,000 members worldwide. He has held Certified Quality Manager (CQM), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), and Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) certifications with the American Society for Quality in addition to holding a Vice Chair position with their Customer Supplier Division. He has won global awards for running multiple manufacturing plants in the US and Mexico for a fortune 1000 corporation.
Manufacturing,  Packaging,  Product Liability,  Transportation, 

Randy Phares's CV

Randy Phares is an expert in packaging, distribution, transportation and manufacturing, especially corrugated and folding carton packaging. He is also an expert on pallets, crating, warehousing and transporting products by semi-truck.

Randy Phares does forensic analysis of packaging failures that caused damage or injury. He has bought, sold operated, supervised, removed and installed packaging machinery. He has managed many warehouses and a fleet of trucks. He has run a packaging testing lab and held almost every job in a packaging operation over his 30 year career. He has completed Expert Reports on packaging failure, load securement, freight transportation, intellectual property, crating, packaging design, Lean Manufacturing, intellectual property and pallets.

Randy Phares has given Depositions, testified at Trial and consulted with attorneys in a variety of cases. He is an esteemed consultant in the packaging field and has done consulting projects.

Randy Phares was a Regional Safety Champion for a Fortune 500 manufacturing corporation. He also holds a US Patent. He was on the Advisory Board of Paperboard Packaging Magazine. He was on the Packaging Consulting Council of the Technical Association for the Pulp & Paper Industry, a Vice Chair for the Packaging Consultants Council of the Institute of Packaging Professionals, President of the South Texas Manufacturer's Association and is the President of the Paperboard Packaging Group with over 33,000 members worldwide. He has held Certified Quality Manager (CQM), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), and Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) certifications with the American Society for Quality in addition to holding a Vice Chair position with their Customer Supplier Division. He has won global awards for running multiple manufacturing plants in the US and Mexico for a fortune 1000 corporation.

Cadsim Engineering (Computer Aided Dynamic Simulations)
Davis, California
PO Box 4083, 52401

Contact:  Jose J Granda, PhD
530-902-3165 Or Toll Free
PO Box 4083
Davis, California 52401

Contact:  Jose J Granda, PhD

Jose Granda's CV

Jose Granda, Ecuadorian NASA Scientist, Received The International Fellow 2022 Award - Bullfrags

RESEARCH AND TEACHING AREAS: Computer Modeling & Simulation, Vehicle Dynamics & Design, Accident Biomechanics. System Dynamics & Controls, Finite Element Modeling, Multi Body Dynamics, Accident Biomechanics, Failure Analysis, Vibrations, Systems Engineering

SOFTWARE USED: Virtual Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction) , HVE (Human Vehicle Environmental computer analysis and simulation), PC Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction), Input Ace (Video Analysis) , IDRR (Human Factors), Working Model 2D ( Physics, Biomechanics, Force Analysis), SOLIDWORKS ( Mechanical Design, Finite Element Modeling), CDR Software (EDR Downloads and analysis), MATLAB (Computer Simulations) , SIMULINK (Control Systems, simulations), CAMPG (Computer Aided Modeling Program, Electro-Mechanical, Hydraulic Systems).

SPECIALTY FOCUS: Mechanical Engineering, Auto Accidents, Accident Biomechanics, EDR download, analysis, including TESLA, Work Place Accidents, Heavy Vehicles, Motorcycles, Pedestrians, Bicycles, Failure Analysis, Computer Models, Simulations, Finite Element Modeling (FEA), Human Factors, Vehicle Dynamics and Design.

QUALIFICATIONS; Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California State University in Sacramento, CA with 39+ yrs. experience. Professional Registered Mechanical Engineer (PE License, CA). An expert in accident reconstruction using computer simulations of accidents involving vehicles, trucks, heavy vehicles, motorcycles, biomechanics, pedestrians, bicycles, occupational, workplace, failure analysis impact forces, industrial accidents. EDR (Event Data Recorder) analysis including TESLA vehicles, patents.

EXPERT WITNESS EXPERIENCE: Written reports, depositions & trial experience.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING; Vehicle Dynamics and Design, Vehicle Safety & Crash Reconstruction, Accident Biomechanics, Finite Element Modeling in Computer Aided Design, Advanced Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis (CSUS); Motorcycle Accident reconstruction, (Northwestern University); EDR Certification, Tech 1, Tech II, EDR Analysis Certification (Collision Safety Institute); Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction (SAE Society of Automotive Engineers International); Expert witness training (SEAK Inc.); Advanced Accident Reconstruction Utilizing Human Factors course (Northwestern University); Photogrammetry for Collision Reconstruction (Lightpoint Data).

HONORS / AWARDS; Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, University of California, Davis. Outstanding Research Award, California State University. NASA Faculty Fellow. Chairman of the Technical Committee on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. SCS Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Chairman of the ICBGM’2021 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. International Keynote Speaker in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico. Editor of 14 books & author of 70 technical research papers.
Accident Reconstruction,  Automobile Accidents,  Bicycle Reconstructions,  Biomechanics,  Construction Accidents,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction,  Pedestrian Reconstructions,  Product Liability,  Workplace Injury, 

Jose Granda's CV

Jose Granda, Ecuadorian NASA Scientist, Received The International Fellow 2022 Award - Bullfrags

RESEARCH AND TEACHING AREAS: Computer Modeling & Simulation, Vehicle Dynamics & Design, Accident Biomechanics. System Dynamics & Controls, Finite Element Modeling, Multi Body Dynamics, Accident Biomechanics, Failure Analysis, Vibrations, Systems Engineering

SOFTWARE USED: Virtual Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction) , HVE (Human Vehicle Environmental computer analysis and simulation), PC Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction), Input Ace (Video Analysis) , IDRR (Human Factors), Working Model 2D ( Physics, Biomechanics, Force Analysis), SOLIDWORKS ( Mechanical Design, Finite Element Modeling), CDR Software (EDR Downloads and analysis), MATLAB (Computer Simulations) , SIMULINK (Control Systems, simulations), CAMPG (Computer Aided Modeling Program, Electro-Mechanical, Hydraulic Systems).

SPECIALTY FOCUS: Mechanical Engineering, Auto Accidents, Accident Biomechanics, EDR download, analysis, including TESLA, Work Place Accidents, Heavy Vehicles, Motorcycles, Pedestrians, Bicycles, Failure Analysis, Computer Models, Simulations, Finite Element Modeling (FEA), Human Factors, Vehicle Dynamics and Design.

QUALIFICATIONS; Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California State University in Sacramento, CA with 39+ yrs. experience. Professional Registered Mechanical Engineer (PE License, CA). An expert in accident reconstruction using computer simulations of accidents involving vehicles, trucks, heavy vehicles, motorcycles, biomechanics, pedestrians, bicycles, occupational, workplace, failure analysis impact forces, industrial accidents. EDR (Event Data Recorder) analysis including TESLA vehicles, patents.

EXPERT WITNESS EXPERIENCE: Written reports, depositions & trial experience.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING; Vehicle Dynamics and Design, Vehicle Safety & Crash Reconstruction, Accident Biomechanics, Finite Element Modeling in Computer Aided Design, Advanced Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis (CSUS); Motorcycle Accident reconstruction, (Northwestern University); EDR Certification, Tech 1, Tech II, EDR Analysis Certification (Collision Safety Institute); Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction (SAE Society of Automotive Engineers International); Expert witness training (SEAK Inc.); Advanced Accident Reconstruction Utilizing Human Factors course (Northwestern University); Photogrammetry for Collision Reconstruction (Lightpoint Data).

HONORS / AWARDS; Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, University of California, Davis. Outstanding Research Award, California State University. NASA Faculty Fellow. Chairman of the Technical Committee on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. SCS Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Chairman of the ICBGM’2021 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. International Keynote Speaker in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico. Editor of 14 books & author of 70 technical research papers.

Consulting Engineers Accident Reconstruction
Malta, New York
PO Box 2351, 12020

Contact:  Mr. Lawrence M. Levine
518-522-5283 Or Toll Free
PO Box 2351
Malta, New York 12020

Contact:  Mr. Lawrence M. Levine
Mobile: 518-522-5283 Office: 518-522-5283

Lawrence M. Levine's CV

Mr. Levine is a Professional Engineer in NY and NJ in private consulting practice since 1983. He has worked in the field of Traffic, Highway and Civil Engineering since 1970. He has a BSCE from Michigan State University and a MSTE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Levine also has extensive training and background in Accident Reconstruction including computer application for court work. He has been accepted as an expert in Federal, State Court of Claims and Supreme Courts throughout NY and has worked in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland, Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the US.
Mr. Levine works very closely with both plaintiff and defendant attorneys in assisting both before and during trial. He regularly works for the NYS Attorneys General Offices, The NYS Thruway Authority; Erie, Niagara, Westchester, and other counties in NY. He also works for Plaintiff and Defense firms
Accident Analysis,  Accident Investigations,  Accident Photo Analysis,  Accident Reconstruction,  Airport,  Automobile Accidents,  Bicycle Reconstructions,  Biomedical and Biomechanical Injury Analysis,  Building Code Compliance,  Building Design,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Civil Litigation,  Codes and Standards,  Computer Animation,  Computer Simulation,  Construction Accidents,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Highway Traffic Safety,  Human Factors,  Lighting,  OSHA,  Pedestrian Reconstructions,  Personal Injury,  Product Liability,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Snow and Ice Management ,  Standard of Care in Design and Construction,  Traffic Accident Reconstruction,  Traffic Engineering,  Work Zone and Flagger Safety, 

Mobile: 518-522-5283 Office: 518-522-5283

Lawrence M. Levine's CV

Mr. Levine is a Professional Engineer in NY and NJ in private consulting practice since 1983. He has worked in the field of Traffic, Highway and Civil Engineering since 1970. He has a BSCE from Michigan State University and a MSTE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Levine also has extensive training and background in Accident Reconstruction including computer application for court work. He has been accepted as an expert in Federal, State Court of Claims and Supreme Courts throughout NY and has worked in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland, Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the US.
Mr. Levine works very closely with both plaintiff and defendant attorneys in assisting both before and during trial. He regularly works for the NYS Attorneys General Offices, The NYS Thruway Authority; Erie, Niagara, Westchester, and other counties in NY. He also works for Plaintiff and Defense firms