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Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC
Houston, Texas
1111 Hermann Drive, Suite 12 B, 77004

Contact:  David Yadin, P.E., Ed.D., C.C.E., C.N.A.F.E.
713-522-6666 Or Toll Free
1111 Hermann Drive, Suite 12 B
Houston, Texas 77004

Contact:  David Yadin, P.E., Ed.D., C.C.E., C.N.A.F.E.
Over the past 35 years, Dr. David has developed, directed and taught healthcare life cycle technology management focusing on risk mitigation of medical devices and of their accessories.

Dr. David's expertise includes successful completion of close to two hundred adverse events investigations associated with medical and surgical and telehealth products, dozens of depositions and court testimonies as a qualified expert.

Dr. David established award-wining hospital-based technical services program and regulatory compliance knowledge supported by experience, licensure as register professional engineer in Texas, certification in clinical engineering and in the field of forensic engineering and technology. Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC (BEC) provides expert services in the safe and effective management of healthcare technology throughout its life cycle from development through obsolesce. As a member of the FDA advisory panel and of standards writing bodies, BEC brings unique expertise with regulatory and compliance requirements to hospitals, industry, service providers, and the legal professional.
Accident Investigations,  Biomedical Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Medical Devices,  Patents,  Product Liability,  Product Warnings,  Telemedicine, 

Over the past 35 years, Dr. David has developed, directed and taught healthcare life cycle technology management focusing on risk mitigation of medical devices and of their accessories.

Dr. David's expertise includes successful completion of close to two hundred adverse events investigations associated with medical and surgical and telehealth products, dozens of depositions and court testimonies as a qualified expert.

Dr. David established award-wining hospital-based technical services program and regulatory compliance knowledge supported by experience, licensure as register professional engineer in Texas, certification in clinical engineering and in the field of forensic engineering and technology. Biomedical Engineering Consultants, LLC (BEC) provides expert services in the safe and effective management of healthcare technology throughout its life cycle from development through obsolesce. As a member of the FDA advisory panel and of standards writing bodies, BEC brings unique expertise with regulatory and compliance requirements to hospitals, industry, service providers, and the legal professional.

Cohen Software Consulting, Inc.
Palo Alto, California
3272 Cowper Street, 94306-3004

Contact:  Howard J. Cohen, Ph.D
650-856-8123 Or Toll Free
3272 Cowper Street
Palo Alto, California 94306-3004

Contact:  Howard J. Cohen, Ph.D
Cohen Software Consulting, Inc. has been offering Expert Witness services in software intellectual property matters since 1997, and has been engaged in over 40 matters involving patents, trade secrets, copyright, DMCA and business practices.

Dr. Cohen has testified in Federal Court and at JAMS hearings. He brings a broad background in computer science and applications, physics, mathematics, simulations, and source code analysis to all engagements, with strengths in algorithms, database, and graphical user interface.

For more information, see
Computer Contractual Disputes,  Computer Science,  Computer Software,  Copyright Infringement,  Intellectual Properties,  Patents,  Trade Secret, 

Cohen Software Consulting, Inc. has been offering Expert Witness services in software intellectual property matters since 1997, and has been engaged in over 40 matters involving patents, trade secrets, copyright, DMCA and business practices.

Dr. Cohen has testified in Federal Court and at JAMS hearings. He brings a broad background in computer science and applications, physics, mathematics, simulations, and source code analysis to all engagements, with strengths in algorithms, database, and graphical user interface.

For more information, see

Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation
Hampton, Virginia
2503 58th Street Suite A, 23661

Contact:  Meagan McBride
757-265-9333 Or Toll Free 800-224-3595
2503 58th Street Suite A
Hampton, Virginia 23661

Contact:  Meagan McBride
757-265-9333 Or Toll Free 800-224-3595
Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation (FAEC) is more than an engineering firm. Our team of professional engineers, qualified scientists and specialized experts will work with you to resolve your case quickly, accurately and objectively. We have been providing a broad range of forensic investigations for a diverse worldwide client base for more than 50 years, by solving thousands of puzzling questions and helping settle billions of dollars in claims and personal losses spanning the gamut from fire & explosions, accident reconstructions, storm & catastrophic events, product defects to a wide array of marine losses. FAEC has a well-founded reputation for providing defendable, court-approved analyses which convincingly define why an event occurred. Our rapid response team is ready 24/7 to support your file effort by getting the answers you need, when you need them!
Accident Injury,  Accident Reconstruction,  Admiralty,  Amusement Parks,  Automobile Accidents,  Aviation,  Biomechanics,  Biomedical and Biomechanical Injury Analysis,  Biomedical Engineering,  Boating,  Building Code Compliance,  Carbon Monoxide,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Code Compliance,  Commercial Vehicle Accident Reconstruction,  Computer Data Recovery,  Computer Forensics,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Consumer Products,  Document Alterations,  Document Analysis,  Document Examiner,  Document Management,  Earthquake Damage,  Electrical Engineering,  Elevators and Escalators,  Equipment and Machinery,  Failure Analysis,  Farms and Farm Safety,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Forensics,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Fire Protection Investigations,  Food Safety,  Forensic Engineering,  Forklifts,  Geotechnical Engineering,  Groundwater Resources and Contamination,  Hail Damages,  Handwriting Experts,  Human Factors,  Hurricane Damage,  HVAC Investigations,  Indoor Air Quality,  Industrial Accidents,  Job Safety Analysis,  Lab Testing and Analysis,  Ladders and Manlifts,  Litigation Support,  Machine Safety,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Maritime,  Materials Science,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Mold and Moisture,  Motor Vehicles,  Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction,  Noise Measurement and Control,  Occupational Injury,  Office Buildings,  Oil and Gas,  OSHA,  Paint and Coatings,  Park and Playground Accidents,  Patents,  Personal Injury,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Plumbing,  Process Safety Chemicals and Oil Refining,  Product Failure,  Product Failure Determination,  Product Liability,  Reconstruction,  Reinforced Concrete and Masonry,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Safety Engineering,  Shooting Incident Reconstruction,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Solar Energy,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Toxic Exposures,  Trial Consultants,  Water and Flood Damage, 

Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation (FAEC) is more than an engineering firm. Our team of professional engineers, qualified scientists and specialized experts will work with you to resolve your case quickly, accurately and objectively. We have been providing a broad range of forensic investigations for a diverse worldwide client base for more than 50 years, by solving thousands of puzzling questions and helping settle billions of dollars in claims and personal losses spanning the gamut from fire & explosions, accident reconstructions, storm & catastrophic events, product defects to a wide array of marine losses. FAEC has a well-founded reputation for providing defendable, court-approved analyses which convincingly define why an event occurred. Our rapid response team is ready 24/7 to support your file effort by getting the answers you need, when you need them!

McAlexander Sound, Inc.
Richardson, Texas
101 W. Renner Road, Suite 350, 75082-2016

Contact:  Joseph C. McAlexander III
972-421-4411 Or Toll Free
101 W. Renner Road, Suite 350
Richardson, Texas 75082-2016

Contact:  Joseph C. McAlexander III
McAlexander Sound, Inc. (McASI), a Registered Professional Engineering company providing expert witness, consulting services in matters related to:
* patent infringement, validity, prior art
* trade secret misappropriation
* trademark, copyright violation
* contract disputes
* insurance and product liability claims
* patent portfolio valuation, prosecution support
* licensing and litigation strategy
McASI's staff combines understanding and application of underlying legal principles with over 350 years of combined technical expertise in:
* semiconductor/design, process, packaging, testing, modeling, failure analysis, system integration, and equipment
* memories and embedded memories
* micro- and multi-processor systems
* telecommunications systems, including architecture, protocol, switching and routers
* software systems and code
* wireless networks
* modeling including SPICE, VHDL
* solid state lasers and light systems
* audio systems
* control systems
* nuclear radiation effects
McASI provides unique combination of expert testifying and technical support consulting, giving clients a complete team to apply to issue resolution.
Intellectual Properties,  Patents, 

McAlexander Sound, Inc. (McASI), a Registered Professional Engineering company providing expert witness, consulting services in matters related to:
* patent infringement, validity, prior art
* trade secret misappropriation
* trademark, copyright violation
* contract disputes
* insurance and product liability claims
* patent portfolio valuation, prosecution support
* licensing and litigation strategy
McASI's staff combines understanding and application of underlying legal principles with over 350 years of combined technical expertise in:
* semiconductor/design, process, packaging, testing, modeling, failure analysis, system integration, and equipment
* memories and embedded memories
* micro- and multi-processor systems
* telecommunications systems, including architecture, protocol, switching and routers
* software systems and code
* wireless networks
* modeling including SPICE, VHDL
* solid state lasers and light systems
* audio systems
* control systems
* nuclear radiation effects
McASI provides unique combination of expert testifying and technical support consulting, giving clients a complete team to apply to issue resolution.

Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf)
Seattle, Washington
6808 44th Ave NE, 98115

Contact:  Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf)
206-795-3575 Or Toll Free
Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf)
6808 44th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 98115

Contact:  Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf)
Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf) is Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute (PNI), Seattle, WA & (Adj) Prof, SLU, St Louis.
He is aa Internationally renowned Neuropsychiatrist, Behavioral Neurologist, Psychopharmacologist, Psychiatrist, Epileptologist / Seizures, In-Demand Communicator, Civil Forensic Expert (defense or plaintiff), peer-respected clinician, consciousness researcher, extensively published academic (>700 publications including abstracts and those in press), book-author (10 plus books) and incisive thinker, recipient of international awards, Professor Vernon M Neppe MD,PhD, FRS(SAf) Board Sub-specialty UCNS (Behavioral Neurology / Neuropsychiatry ABPN (BC Psychiatry, sub-specialty Forensic Psychiatry -04 Geriatric Psychiatry-11), DPsM (with Neurology / Psychiatry), DSPE, DABFM, DABFE, DABPS (Psychopharmacology), FACFE, LMACFE, FCPsych, MB, BCh,, BA, FRCPC-10, is one of the most highly qualified medical experts in the USA. Used nationally and internationally, at all levels of cases (early on to rebuttal), he prefers civil medicolegal expert work, attempting to equalize defense and plaintiff cases.
For further information, please view as well as, (books), (gateway), (research) & (creativity).
Behavioral Neurology,  Brain Damage Injury,  Concussions,  Epileptology,  Head Injury,  Movement Disorders,  Neurology,  Neuropsychiatry,  Neuropsychology,  Nutrition,  Patents,  Personal Injury,  Pharmacology,  Psychiatric Malpractice,  Psychiatric Medicine,  Psychopharmacology,  Suicide,
Professor Vernon Neppe MD, PhD. FRS(SAf) is Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute (PNI), Seattle, WA & (Adj) Prof, SLU, St Louis.
He is aa Internationally renowned Neuropsychiatrist, Behavioral Neurologist, Psychopharmacologist, Psychiatrist, Epileptologist / Seizures, In-Demand Communicator, Civil Forensic Expert (defense or plaintiff), peer-respected clinician, consciousness researcher, extensively published academic (>700 publications including abstracts and those in press), book-author (10 plus books) and incisive thinker, recipient of international awards, Professor Vernon M Neppe MD,PhD, FRS(SAf) Board Sub-specialty UCNS (Behavioral Neurology / Neuropsychiatry ABPN (BC Psychiatry, sub-specialty Forensic Psychiatry -04 Geriatric Psychiatry-11), DPsM (with Neurology / Psychiatry), DSPE, DABFM, DABFE, DABPS (Psychopharmacology), FACFE, LMACFE, FCPsych, MB, BCh,, BA, FRCPC-10, is one of the most highly qualified medical experts in the USA. Used nationally and internationally, at all levels of cases (early on to rebuttal), he prefers civil medicolegal expert work, attempting to equalize defense and plaintiff cases.
For further information, please view as well as, (books), (gateway), (research) & (creativity).

Sterling Anthony Consultancy, LLC
Detroit, Michigan
100 Renaissance Center-Box 43176, 48243

Contact:  Sterling Anthony, B.S., M.B.A., CPP
313-531-1875 Or Toll Free
100 Renaissance Center-Box 43176
Detroit, Michigan 48243

Contact:  Sterling Anthony, B.S., M.B.A., CPP
Product liability, personal injury, patent infringement, and insurance claims cases involving packaging, labeling, warnings, cargo loading & securement, falling merchandise, material handling, warehousing, and retailing. A 40-year career compiled in industry, academia, consulting, and casework. Professional certifications in packaging, materials management, material handling, transportation, inventory control, and purchasing. More than 200 published articles. Have presented at many conferences and seminars. A proven analyst, communicator, and report writer. Experienced in giving depositions and in testifying in state and federal courts. References available from Plaintiff lawyers and Defense lawyers.
Material Handling,  Packaging,  Patents,  Personal Injury,  Product Liability, 

Product liability, personal injury, patent infringement, and insurance claims cases involving packaging, labeling, warnings, cargo loading & securement, falling merchandise, material handling, warehousing, and retailing. A 40-year career compiled in industry, academia, consulting, and casework. Professional certifications in packaging, materials management, material handling, transportation, inventory control, and purchasing. More than 200 published articles. Have presented at many conferences and seminars. A proven analyst, communicator, and report writer. Experienced in giving depositions and in testifying in state and federal courts. References available from Plaintiff lawyers and Defense lawyers.

Automotive Design Analysis
South Lyon, Michigan
10945 Stoney Point, 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian
248-376-0338 Or Toll Free
10945 Stoney Point
South Lyon, Michigan 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.
Accident Investigations,  Accident Photo Analysis,  Automotive,  Chemicals,  Chemistry,  Copyright Infringement,  Electrical,  Electrical Engineering,  Electronics,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Forensic Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Licensing,  Litigation Support,  Materials Science,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motor Vehicles,  Patents,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Scientific and Engineering,  Telecommunications,  Trademark,  Transportation,  Trucking, 

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.

Montrose Compliance Services, Inc.
Santa Clara, California
2353 Mission Glen Drive, 95051

Contact:  Mark Montrose
408-499-5533 Or Toll Free
2353 Mission Glen Drive
Santa Clara, California 95051

Contact:  Mark Montrose
Mark Montrose of Montrose Compliance Services is an expert in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and system level design for domestic and international regulatory requirements. Areas of expertise includes design of printed circuit boards and system integration for commercial and industrial products. He has over 40 years of applied electrical engineering and electromagnetic compliance experience. He is assessed as an EMC test laboratory.

Mark Montrose has been involved in expert witness engagements with experience in patent litigation, design disputes and system-wide designs applied to real-world engineering problems. Engagements includes Fortune 500 clients with 100% success. In addition to being principle ofMontrose Compliance Services he is an instructor for the University of California. He authored five internationally popular EMC textbooks associated with system level design to achieve EMC, especially at the printed circuit board level as well as authoring numerous technical papers and journal articles.

Mark Montrose is a long-term past member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors and also past member of the IEEE Board of Directors (2009-2010).
Electrical Engineering,  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),  Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Patents,  Systems Engineering, 

Mark Montrose of Montrose Compliance Services is an expert in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and system level design for domestic and international regulatory requirements. Areas of expertise includes design of printed circuit boards and system integration for commercial and industrial products. He has over 40 years of applied electrical engineering and electromagnetic compliance experience. He is assessed as an EMC test laboratory.

Mark Montrose has been involved in expert witness engagements with experience in patent litigation, design disputes and system-wide designs applied to real-world engineering problems. Engagements includes Fortune 500 clients with 100% success. In addition to being principle ofMontrose Compliance Services he is an instructor for the University of California. He authored five internationally popular EMC textbooks associated with system level design to achieve EMC, especially at the printed circuit board level as well as authoring numerous technical papers and journal articles.

Mark Montrose is a long-term past member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors and also past member of the IEEE Board of Directors (2009-2010).

Business Automation Associates, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
11811 N. Tatum Blvd #3031, 85028

Contact:  Brooks Hilliard
602-264-9263 Or Toll Free
11811 N. Tatum Blvd #3031
Phoenix, Arizona 85028

Contact:  Brooks Hilliard
Brooks Hilliard has testified more than 60 times as a computer expert witness and has been engaged on more than 100 such matters for both plaintiffs and defendants. He has done expert witness and consulting assignments in 35 states, and has qualified as an expert witness on computer software and hardware (including ERP, SCM and CRM systems) in both state and federal litigation. His expert witness engagements have included courtroom and deposition testimony in lawsuits, arbitrations, mediations and formal governmental hearings.
Computer Software,  Information Technologies,  Intellectual Properties,  Internet,  Patents,  Software,  Software Licensing, 

Brooks Hilliard has testified more than 60 times as a computer expert witness and has been engaged on more than 100 such matters for both plaintiffs and defendants. He has done expert witness and consulting assignments in 35 states, and has qualified as an expert witness on computer software and hardware (including ERP, SCM and CRM systems) in both state and federal litigation. His expert witness engagements have included courtroom and deposition testimony in lawsuits, arbitrations, mediations and formal governmental hearings.

CONSOR Intellectual Asset Management
La Jolla, California
7514 Girard Ave Suite 1500, 92037

Contact:  Weston Anson

858-454-9091 Or Toll Free
7514 Girard Ave Suite 1500
La Jolla, California 92037

Contact:  Weston Anson

Business Valuation,  Copyright Infringement,  Intellectual Properties,  Patents,  Trademark,