Lawsonline™  Directory  Expert Witness  Engineering

PEG, Inc. Experts Professional Engineering Group
Birmingham, Alabama
950 22nd Street North, Suite 632, 35203

Contact:  Lamar T. Hawkins, J.D., P.E.
205-458-8516 Or Toll Free
Experts Professional Engineering Group
950 22nd Street North, Suite 632
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

Contact:  Lamar T. Hawkins, J.D., P.E.
"Free telephone conference call about your case." ---------- Serving the Southeast Region.
Accident Reconstruction,  Building Code Compliance,  Building Vibration Analysis,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Civil Engineering,  Code Compliance,  Concrete and Masonry,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cooling Towers,  Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Fall Protection,  Forensic Engineering,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Motor Vehicles,  OSHA,  Paint and Coatings,  Premises Liability,  Safety,  Safety Engineering,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Trucking, 

"Free telephone conference call about your case." ---------- Serving the Southeast Region.

Sammamish, Washington
3219 263rd Ct SE, 98075

Contact:  Christopher K Lane PE
714-801-5229 Or Toll Free
3219 263rd Ct SE
Sammamish, Washington 98075

Contact:  Christopher K Lane PE
POWERPLANT Consultants, Inc. is a technical services company providing highly specialized support services for Industrial Power Generation Systems; cogeneration and combined cycle power plants, and is the parent corporation and Consulting Division. The corporation operates under the DBA: Generation Equipment Services Co., which is the Field Service Division.
Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Engineering,  Forensic,  Maritime,  Power Generation, 

POWERPLANT Consultants, Inc. is a technical services company providing highly specialized support services for Industrial Power Generation Systems; cogeneration and combined cycle power plants, and is the parent corporation and Consulting Division. The corporation operates under the DBA: Generation Equipment Services Co., which is the Field Service Division.

Safety Through Engineering, Inc.
New Carlisle, Ohio
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike, 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
937-964-1900 Or Toll Free
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
Amusement Parks,  ANSI Standards,  Code Compliance,  Confined Space,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cranes,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Fall Protection,  Job Safety Analysis,  Machine Safety,  OSHA,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Safety Audit,  Safety Engineering,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Training Programs,  Wrongful Death, 

Houston, Texas
440 Louisiana Street, Suite 2550, 77072

Contact:  Silvia Zurita
713-677-0198 Or Toll Free
440 Louisiana Street, Suite 2550
Houston, Texas 77072

Contact:  Silvia Zurita
SOCOTEC provides professional services to the world's leading corporations, government and other public agencies, emerging growth companies, small businesses, financial institutions, and their legal counsel.
Accident Investigations,  Bankruptcy,  Building Code Compliance,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  Chemical Engineering,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Claims,  Code Compliance,  Codes and Standards,  Construction,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Construction Delays,  Construction Management,  Construction Safety,  Consultants,  Contract Disputes,  Corrosion Engineering,  Cost Analysis,  Cranes,  Damage Calculations,  Economic Damages,  Economics and Business Damages,  Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Errors and Omissions,  Expert Witness,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Failure Analysis,  Forensic Accounting,  Geotechnical Engineering,  Heating and Air Conditioning,  HVAC Investigations,  Industrial Chemicals,  Industrial Engineering,  Insurance Claims and Disputes,  Intellectual Properties,  Investigation of HVAC and Piping System Failures,  Litigation Consulting,  Litigation Support,  Lost Profit,  M and A Contract Disputes,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Oil and Gas,  Personal Injury,  Petrochemical,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Process Safety Chemicals and Oil Refining,  Risk Assessment,  Roofing,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Roofing and Waterproofing Forensics,  Standard of Care,  Structural Engineering,  Water and Flood Damage, 

SOCOTEC provides professional services to the world's leading corporations, government and other public agencies, emerging growth companies, small businesses, financial institutions, and their legal counsel.

Steven B. Kushnick, P.E., Inc.
Marietta, Georgia
P.O. Box 670084, 30066

Contact:  Steve Kushnick
770-591-1720 Or Toll Free
P.O. Box 670084
Marietta, Georgia 30066

Contact:  Steve Kushnick
Skilled and experienced in the design, analysis, troubleshooting and failure analysis of turbomachinery and ancillary equipment. Design turbine hardware, compressor hardware, combustors, fuel nozzles, fluid film bearings, rolling element bearings, oil-film dampers, lube systems, plumbing, heat transfer equipment, and test equipment. Analyze internal flow, heat transfer, structures and strength, dynamics and vibration, fatigue and fracture, equipment failures and test results. Use ANSYS finite element analysis code, CAD software, and develop specialized computer utility programs for design, analysis, and problem solving. Procure hardware. Provide economic and engineering analyses of proposed equipment modifications. Provide inspection procedures, repair procedures, and process specifications. Provide independent third-party consultation and litigation support. Access to metallurgical laboratory. Two patents in the field of jet engines. Expert witness.
Aviation,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Power Generation,  Turbomachinery, 

Skilled and experienced in the design, analysis, troubleshooting and failure analysis of turbomachinery and ancillary equipment. Design turbine hardware, compressor hardware, combustors, fuel nozzles, fluid film bearings, rolling element bearings, oil-film dampers, lube systems, plumbing, heat transfer equipment, and test equipment. Analyze internal flow, heat transfer, structures and strength, dynamics and vibration, fatigue and fracture, equipment failures and test results. Use ANSYS finite element analysis code, CAD software, and develop specialized computer utility programs for design, analysis, and problem solving. Procure hardware. Provide economic and engineering analyses of proposed equipment modifications. Provide inspection procedures, repair procedures, and process specifications. Provide independent third-party consultation and litigation support. Access to metallurgical laboratory. Two patents in the field of jet engines. Expert witness.

Automotive Design Analysis
South Lyon, Michigan
10945 Stoney Point, 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian
248-376-0338 Or Toll Free
10945 Stoney Point
South Lyon, Michigan 48178

Contact:  Michael Nranian

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.
Accident Investigations,  Accident Photo Analysis,  Automotive,  Chemicals,  Chemistry,  Copyright Infringement,  Electrical,  Electrical Engineering,  Electronics,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Forensic Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Licensing,  Litigation Support,  Materials Science,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motor Vehicles,  Patents,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Scientific and Engineering,  Telecommunications,  Trademark,  Transportation,  Trucking, 

Michael Nranian's CV


Michael Nranian has over 30 years of experience focusing in Product Development, Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, & Product Liability Litigation. He is a Six Sigma Black Belt, Professional Engineer, & Certified Project Management Professional. He has an in-depth background and education in Law, Intellectual Property, Electrical, Chemical, & Computer Engineering, Product Liability, & Business. He has testified extensively as an expert witness in depositions, hearings, and trials in state & federal courts. He is also a licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, & the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

He provides and conducts Technical Product and Engineering Analysis, Patentability & Prior Art Research, and provides the Technical, Scientific, & Litigation Support for Intellectual Property. His litigation experience includes patent infringement / non-infringement under literal infringement and the doctrine of equivalents, patent validity / invalidity, prior art, & file-wrapper estoppel, for ITC & Federal cases, including Inter Partes reviews. He conducts analysis of all aspects of intellectual property, including patents and products, prepares claim charts, & expert witness reports. This includes testimony and document preparation for cases before state, and federal court jurisdictions, and the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

He performs analysis under the America Invents Act, and all 101, 102, 103, 112, and other arguments. His experience includes Technology Standards Boards and Licensing Authorities, Antitrust / DOJ, Technology Development and Transfer, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Licensing, Unfair Competition/Trade, False/Deceptive Advertising, & Lanham Act Actions, and Class Actions. His Product Liability Expert Witness litigation background includes all types of Safety Systems, Electrical Systems, Fires, Accident Reconstruction (certified through Northwestern University), and Evaluation of Alternative Designs for Automotive, Medical, Manufacturing, and other industries. He has extensive Testifying Experience.

He has over 30 years of experience in Automotive and Safety Systems, Sensors, Seatbelts, Airbags / Curtains, Seats, Electrical/Electronic/Electromechanical Systems and Architecture, Warning & Diagnostic Systems, Sensors and Sensor Fusion, Vision and Camera Optical/Image, Forward Collision/Lane Departure Warning, GPS, Navigation, Telematics, Powertrain, Engine, Cellular/Radio/Wireless/Satellite Communication, Information and Data Transmission, Data & Parameter storage & retrieval, Human Machine Interface, Controls, Crash Recorders, Crash Pulse Analysis, System Diagnostic, Fault Codes, Structure (including roof-crush and door) and Front, Side & Roll-over systems (including sensing and algorithm development), Occupant sensing, computer/microprocessor, software/source code analyses, Monitoring & Surveillance, Automotive & Recreational Vehicles, Trucks/Commercial Vehicles, Fleet Management Systems, Construction & Excavation Vehicles/Equipment, Manufacturing and Product Development for domestic and international corporations. He is thoroughly familiar with all regulatory (including ECE & FMVSS), and corporate due-care & SAE requirements, and preemption arguments, safety standards, occupant kinematics, biomechanics & injury causation as well as OSHA, ANSI, Fall Protection. Complete Forensic Investigations and Analyses.

Reedy Engineering, Inc.
Campbell, California
3425 South Bascom Ave., Suite E, 95008

Contact:  Roger F. Reedy, PE
408-558-0330 Or Toll Free
3425 South Bascom Ave., Suite E
Campbell, California 95008

Contact:  Roger F. Reedy, PE
Roger F. Reedy has extensive experience working on the design and construction of pressure vessels, piping, and nuclear power components. His experience includes design, analysis, fabrication, and erection of pressure vessels and piping components for petroleum, chemical, nuclear, fossil fuel, and other industries, including development and implementation of applicable quality systems. His background encompasses nuclear reactors and containment vessels, as well as pressure vessels and storage tanks for petroleum, chemical, and other energy industries.

Mr. Reedy is an acknowledged expert in the construction of pressure vessels and nuclear components, including nuclear waste transportation casks and storage canisters, meeting the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Divisions 1, 2 and 3, Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2, and Sections I, II, V, IX, and XI, and piping to the requirements of ASME B31.1 and B31.3. He is also an expert in implementation of practical quality programs for designers, fabricators, installers, and owners of industrial equipment and plants.
Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Structural Engineering, 

Roger F. Reedy has extensive experience working on the design and construction of pressure vessels, piping, and nuclear power components. His experience includes design, analysis, fabrication, and erection of pressure vessels and piping components for petroleum, chemical, nuclear, fossil fuel, and other industries, including development and implementation of applicable quality systems. His background encompasses nuclear reactors and containment vessels, as well as pressure vessels and storage tanks for petroleum, chemical, and other energy industries.

Mr. Reedy is an acknowledged expert in the construction of pressure vessels and nuclear components, including nuclear waste transportation casks and storage canisters, meeting the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Divisions 1, 2 and 3, Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2, and Sections I, II, V, IX, and XI, and piping to the requirements of ASME B31.1 and B31.3. He is also an expert in implementation of practical quality programs for designers, fabricators, installers, and owners of industrial equipment and plants.

Robertson Engineering Investigations LLC
Mesilla Park, New Mexico
P.O. Box 820, 88047

Contact:  Cale Robertson, MSME, PE, CFI-IAAI, ACTAR
575-644-9595 Or Toll Free
P.O. Box 820
Mesilla Park, New Mexico 88047

Contact:  Cale Robertson, MSME, PE, CFI-IAAI, ACTAR

Robertson Engineering Investigations, LLC (REI) is a private forensic engineering firm that provides forensic engineering services to both the insurance and legal communities.

REI experts are court qualified Licensed Professional Engineers with extensive training, experience and certifications related to fire investigation, fire science, accident investigation and reconstruction, and general product failure analysis. REI investigators hold the distinguished Certified Fire Investigator (CFI-IAAI) certification and are also certified accident reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR). REI is dedicated to providing accurate, complete and timely investigations that are based on scientific principles.

Identifying the root origin and cause of incidents, which have significant cost in terms of either pain and suffering or monetary loss, is the only way for society to correct, improve and/or remove defective products from harms way. This is why REI is dedicated to identifying the facts and the root cause of such incidents and will not become an advocate for one party or another.

REI Location Google Maps Zoomed Out REI's regular service areas include New Mexico, Texas and Arizona, including Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces, El Paso, Dallas, Phoenix, and Tucson. REI staff are fluent in Spanish.
Accident Investigations,  Accident Reconstruction,  Commercial Vehicle Accident Reconstruction,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Fire Protection Investigations,  Forensic,  Forensic Engineering,  Hail Damages,  Lab Testing and Analysis,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction,  Product Failure,  Reconstruction,  Roofing,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Stucco,

Robertson Engineering Investigations, LLC (REI) is a private forensic engineering firm that provides forensic engineering services to both the insurance and legal communities.

REI experts are court qualified Licensed Professional Engineers with extensive training, experience and certifications related to fire investigation, fire science, accident investigation and reconstruction, and general product failure analysis. REI investigators hold the distinguished Certified Fire Investigator (CFI-IAAI) certification and are also certified accident reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR). REI is dedicated to providing accurate, complete and timely investigations that are based on scientific principles.

Identifying the root origin and cause of incidents, which have significant cost in terms of either pain and suffering or monetary loss, is the only way for society to correct, improve and/or remove defective products from harms way. This is why REI is dedicated to identifying the facts and the root cause of such incidents and will not become an advocate for one party or another.

REI Location Google Maps Zoomed Out REI's regular service areas include New Mexico, Texas and Arizona, including Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces, El Paso, Dallas, Phoenix, and Tucson. REI staff are fluent in Spanish.

Matt Hartley Lighting, LLC
Arvada, Colorado
, 80001

Contact:  Matthew J. Hartley, BS, LC, MIES
303-558-1542 Or Toll Free

Arvada, Colorado 80001

Contact:  Matthew J. Hartley, BS, LC, MIES
Having a diverse background has allowed Matt to produce lighting designs, verify compliance, calculations, and photometric and equipment verification in the office. However, he has also had field experience with commissioning, field survey and verification, and troubleshooting of field designs and equipment issues. Matt is available nationwide for your witness needs.
Architecture,  Engineering,  Lighting,  Premises Liability, 

Having a diverse background has allowed Matt to produce lighting designs, verify compliance, calculations, and photometric and equipment verification in the office. However, he has also had field experience with commissioning, field survey and verification, and troubleshooting of field designs and equipment issues. Matt is available nationwide for your witness needs.

Montrose Compliance Services, Inc.
Santa Clara, California
2353 Mission Glen Drive, 95051

Contact:  Mark Montrose
408-499-5533 Or Toll Free
2353 Mission Glen Drive
Santa Clara, California 95051

Contact:  Mark Montrose
Mark Montrose of Montrose Compliance Services is an expert in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and system level design for domestic and international regulatory requirements. Areas of expertise includes design of printed circuit boards and system integration for commercial and industrial products. He has over 40 years of applied electrical engineering and electromagnetic compliance experience. He is assessed as an EMC test laboratory.

Mark Montrose has been involved in expert witness engagements with experience in patent litigation, design disputes and system-wide designs applied to real-world engineering problems. Engagements includes Fortune 500 clients with 100% success. In addition to being principle ofMontrose Compliance Services he is an instructor for the University of California. He authored five internationally popular EMC textbooks associated with system level design to achieve EMC, especially at the printed circuit board level as well as authoring numerous technical papers and journal articles.

Mark Montrose is a long-term past member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors and also past member of the IEEE Board of Directors (2009-2010).
Electrical Engineering,  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),  Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Patents,  Systems Engineering, 

Mark Montrose of Montrose Compliance Services is an expert in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and system level design for domestic and international regulatory requirements. Areas of expertise includes design of printed circuit boards and system integration for commercial and industrial products. He has over 40 years of applied electrical engineering and electromagnetic compliance experience. He is assessed as an EMC test laboratory.

Mark Montrose has been involved in expert witness engagements with experience in patent litigation, design disputes and system-wide designs applied to real-world engineering problems. Engagements includes Fortune 500 clients with 100% success. In addition to being principle ofMontrose Compliance Services he is an instructor for the University of California. He authored five internationally popular EMC textbooks associated with system level design to achieve EMC, especially at the printed circuit board level as well as authoring numerous technical papers and journal articles.

Mark Montrose is a long-term past member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors and also past member of the IEEE Board of Directors (2009-2010).

Solomon Bruce Consulting LLC
Fort Worth, Texas
P. O. Box 331, 76101

Contact:  Joseph B Michels, Ph.D., P.E., C.P.L.
817-386-3032 Or Toll Free
P. O. Box 331
Fort Worth, Texas 76101

Contact:  Joseph B Michels, Ph.D., P.E., C.P.L.

Joseph B. Michels's CV

Dr. Michels is a licensed professional engineering/management consultant. He has served as a College Dean twice, and currently teaches as an adjunct in major business programs. He has led large organizations, >2500 individual contributors at the C suite level. His experience is in the ability to analyze and identify leading causal factors in major incidents and provide analytically robust, but easy to understand solutions to those challenges. Dr. Michels has over 40 years of experience in government, industry, business and academia as well as military logistics and engineering. He serves on a wide variety of national committees and boards relative to education and engineering. Dr. Michels can take a complex matter and break it down in to easy to understand parts which most individuals easily understand and comprehend. He has published in major journals and presented at major business and engineering conferences.
Aviation,  Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Transportation,  Warehouse and Storage, 

Joseph B. Michels's CV

Dr. Michels is a licensed professional engineering/management consultant. He has served as a College Dean twice, and currently teaches as an adjunct in major business programs. He has led large organizations, >2500 individual contributors at the C suite level. His experience is in the ability to analyze and identify leading causal factors in major incidents and provide analytically robust, but easy to understand solutions to those challenges. Dr. Michels has over 40 years of experience in government, industry, business and academia as well as military logistics and engineering. He serves on a wide variety of national committees and boards relative to education and engineering. Dr. Michels can take a complex matter and break it down in to easy to understand parts which most individuals easily understand and comprehend. He has published in major journals and presented at major business and engineering conferences.

Cain and Associates Engineers and Constructors, Inc.
Mobile, Alabama
1209 Montlimar Dr. , Suite 675, 36609

Contact:  Hal K. Cain, PE
251-473-7781 Or Toll Free
1209 Montlimar Dr. , Suite 675
Mobile, Alabama 36609

Contact:  Hal K. Cain, PE
Cain & Associates Engineers & Constructors, Inc. is an Engineering and Construction Management firm that also specializes in forensic engineering investigations and analysis of construction claims defects. We have a staff that consists of Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers (Drainage), Mechanical Engineers, Master Plumber, HVAC Specialists, Roofing Specialists, EIFS specialists, Flooring Specialists, Construction Managers, and Master Electrician and electrical engineer. Our personnel have hands-on engineering and construction experience. Construction Management experts in heavy industrial, commercial and residential structures.
Hal is a Professional Engineer in five states, P.E., Certified Structural Engineer, EIFS Third Party Certification, and Licensed G.C. in Alabama and Louisiana.
Building Envelope Forensics,  Construction,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Construction Delays,  Construction Management,  Electrical,  Engineering,  Fire and Explosions,  Forensic Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Structural Engineering, 

Cain & Associates Engineers & Constructors, Inc. is an Engineering and Construction Management firm that also specializes in forensic engineering investigations and analysis of construction claims defects. We have a staff that consists of Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers (Drainage), Mechanical Engineers, Master Plumber, HVAC Specialists, Roofing Specialists, EIFS specialists, Flooring Specialists, Construction Managers, and Master Electrician and electrical engineer. Our personnel have hands-on engineering and construction experience. Construction Management experts in heavy industrial, commercial and residential structures.
Hal is a Professional Engineer in five states, P.E., Certified Structural Engineer, EIFS Third Party Certification, and Licensed G.C. in Alabama and Louisiana.

Poole Fire Protection Inc.
Olathe, Kansas
19910 West 161st Street, 66062

Contact:  John W. “Jack” Poole, III, PE FSFPE / Phillip A. Keena, IAAI-CFI, BsFPEST
913-747-2050 Or Toll Free
19910 West 161st Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062

Contact:  John W. “Jack” Poole, III, PE FSFPE / Phillip A. Keena, IAAI-CFI, BsFPEST

Jack Poole's and Andrew Poole's CV's

Poole Fire Protection has degreed, licensed, and experienced fire protection engineering experts who perform forensic analyses of both active and passive fire protection systems to determine those real-world fire protection system failures or potential subrogation opportunities.  The requirements and concepts of building and fire code compliance, fire suppression and fire alarm & detection system design, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance, failure analysis, fire growth and spread theory, causation, spoliation, and the scientific methods are evaluated as part of our review and evaluation methodology.

With expertise in fire science, fire protection system design, building and fire codes and life safety standards, our degreed and licensed professional fire protection engineers provide the investigation, comparative research, consultation, trial preparation and expert testimony you require for your legal proceedings. We prioritize investing in the training and education of our team to ensure they are always on the cutting-edge of fire science.

Poole Fire Protection is one of a small number of firms that specializes in fire protection and life safety litigation support with a reputable, influential staff of actual working fire protection engineers who are capable of clearly conveying their findings to a jury. Many of those requiring legal testimony have returned to Poole Fire Protection multiple times because of our proven approach developed over decades of experience and participation in building and fire code development.

The firm’s Principals, John W. “Jack” Poole III, PE FSFPE, has 38 years of experience as a fire protection engineer and Andrew W. “Drew” Poole, PE, has 12 years of experience as a fire protection engineer. Their expertise includes building and fire code analyses, fire suppression, fire alarm & detection system design, forensic analyses, fire hazards analyses, fire risk assessments, construction management, fire protection water distribution system evaluations, and project management. They have provided legal testimony for building and fire code analyses; life safety code compliance; slip, trip, and falls; and fire protection system design, inspection, testing and maintenance.
Alarms,  Building Code Compliance,  Building Design,  Code Compliance,  Codes and Standards,  Engineering,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Forensics,  Fire Protection Investigations,  Fire Sprinklers,  Historic Buildings,  Hospitals,  Hotels and Hospitality,  Office Buildings,  Warehouse and Storage, 

Jack Poole's and Andrew Poole's CV's

Poole Fire Protection has degreed, licensed, and experienced fire protection engineering experts who perform forensic analyses of both active and passive fire protection systems to determine those real-world fire protection system failures or potential subrogation opportunities.  The requirements and concepts of building and fire code compliance, fire suppression and fire alarm & detection system design, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance, failure analysis, fire growth and spread theory, causation, spoliation, and the scientific methods are evaluated as part of our review and evaluation methodology.

With expertise in fire science, fire protection system design, building and fire codes and life safety standards, our degreed and licensed professional fire protection engineers provide the investigation, comparative research, consultation, trial preparation and expert testimony you require for your legal proceedings. We prioritize investing in the training and education of our team to ensure they are always on the cutting-edge of fire science.

Poole Fire Protection is one of a small number of firms that specializes in fire protection and life safety litigation support with a reputable, influential staff of actual working fire protection engineers who are capable of clearly conveying their findings to a jury. Many of those requiring legal testimony have returned to Poole Fire Protection multiple times because of our proven approach developed over decades of experience and participation in building and fire code development.

The firm’s Principals, John W. “Jack” Poole III, PE FSFPE, has 38 years of experience as a fire protection engineer and Andrew W. “Drew” Poole, PE, has 12 years of experience as a fire protection engineer. Their expertise includes building and fire code analyses, fire suppression, fire alarm & detection system design, forensic analyses, fire hazards analyses, fire risk assessments, construction management, fire protection water distribution system evaluations, and project management. They have provided legal testimony for building and fire code analyses; life safety code compliance; slip, trip, and falls; and fire protection system design, inspection, testing and maintenance.

Gary Allen Consulting Inc.
Euclid, Ohio
, 44119

Euclid, Ohio 44119

Dr. Gary Allen is an independent consultant available as an Expert Witness for Litigation; Consulting; Prior Art and IP Landscape analysis; Patent and Claim Strategy and Analysis.

Upon retirement from GE Lighting in 2016, I had the most issued US Patents of any active employee - now 84 total, with many more pending. In addition to 10 years' experience in Nuclear Fusion research, I have 35 years' experience developing technology and products related to LED Lamps and Luminaires, Optics, Thermals, Electronics, Spectral Tailoring and Color-enhanced Lighting, Human-centric Lighting, and legacy lamp technologies, including: Metal Halide, CMH, LFL, Halogen, and Automotive.

Since retirement, I'm also expert in UV Disinfection for COVID-19, Algae Cultivation with LEDs for Carbon Sequestration, Circadian Lighting for Alzheimer's, and Horticultural Lighting.

Although I have only a single trial experience so far, my client-attorney, having served at 200 trials, praised me as a "natural" on the stand - reference available.

You may find me to be an ideal Expert Witness for cases related to:
- IP for Lighting Products, especially LED-based products
- Product Development and Manufacturing of Lighting products
- IP for ANY Lighting-related Technology, including:
- LED, OLED, Laser, other SSL
- legacy lighting technologies (older than SSL)
- Optics, Photometry, Color Science, Human Factors
- Electronics, Industrial Design, Thermal Management,

My motivation in serving as Expert Witness is to provide objective, reliable, efficient, highly professional testimony in support of clients seeking justice.
Engineering,  Intellectual Properties,  Lighting, 

Dr. Gary Allen is an independent consultant available as an Expert Witness for Litigation; Consulting; Prior Art and IP Landscape analysis; Patent and Claim Strategy and Analysis.

Upon retirement from GE Lighting in 2016, I had the most issued US Patents of any active employee - now 84 total, with many more pending. In addition to 10 years' experience in Nuclear Fusion research, I have 35 years' experience developing technology and products related to LED Lamps and Luminaires, Optics, Thermals, Electronics, Spectral Tailoring and Color-enhanced Lighting, Human-centric Lighting, and legacy lamp technologies, including: Metal Halide, CMH, LFL, Halogen, and Automotive.

Since retirement, I'm also expert in UV Disinfection for COVID-19, Algae Cultivation with LEDs for Carbon Sequestration, Circadian Lighting for Alzheimer's, and Horticultural Lighting.

Although I have only a single trial experience so far, my client-attorney, having served at 200 trials, praised me as a "natural" on the stand - reference available.

You may find me to be an ideal Expert Witness for cases related to:
- IP for Lighting Products, especially LED-based products
- Product Development and Manufacturing of Lighting products
- IP for ANY Lighting-related Technology, including:
- LED, OLED, Laser, other SSL
- legacy lighting technologies (older than SSL)
- Optics, Photometry, Color Science, Human Factors
- Electronics, Industrial Design, Thermal Management,

My motivation in serving as Expert Witness is to provide objective, reliable, efficient, highly professional testimony in support of clients seeking justice.

Applied Materials Technologies Inc.
Naperville, Illinois
1979 N. Mill Street, Suite 112, 60563

Contact:  Robert P. O'Shea Jr., PE
630-562-1100 Or Toll Free
1979 N. Mill Street, Suite 112
Naperville, Illinois 60563

Contact:  Robert P. O'Shea Jr., PE

Robert O'Shea's CV

AMTI is a preeminent, multidisciplinary, engineering, design and consulting firm. Our staff includes engineers with a wide range of experience in manufacturing, fabrication, inspection, welding, failure analysis, quality control and accident reconstruction. The expertise of the firm encompasses all types of materials, components, systems, products and engineered structures. Our broad level of knowledge allows us to be highly flexible, proficient and cost-effective. Services can range from minimum involvement to major coordinated and comprehensive engineering efforts. AMTI’s technical staff and associates have successfully managed or worked on many projects for government agencies, industrial clients, and product liability litigations. Keywords: Automobile Accidents Automotive Aviation Computer Simulation Animation Construction Damage Assessment Design Patent Infringement Elevators Escalators Ladders Manlifts Engineering Fire Origin Cause Investigations Forklifts Furniture Safety Glass HVAC Hydraulics Industrial Equipment Intellectual Properties Manufacturing Materials Evaluation Science Mining Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction Oil Drilling OSHA Patents Pipe Pressure Vessels Failure Plastics Plumbing Premises Liability Product Analysis Development Project Management Railroads Refineries Reinforced Concrete Masonry Roofing Waterproofing Slip Trip Fall Small Home Appliances Structural Failure Defects Cooling Towers
Accident Investigations,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Fire and Explosions,  Fire Origin and Cause,  Maritime,  Metallurgy, 

Robert O'Shea's CV

AMTI is a preeminent, multidisciplinary, engineering, design and consulting firm. Our staff includes engineers with a wide range of experience in manufacturing, fabrication, inspection, welding, failure analysis, quality control and accident reconstruction. The expertise of the firm encompasses all types of materials, components, systems, products and engineered structures. Our broad level of knowledge allows us to be highly flexible, proficient and cost-effective. Services can range from minimum involvement to major coordinated and comprehensive engineering efforts. AMTI’s technical staff and associates have successfully managed or worked on many projects for government agencies, industrial clients, and product liability litigations. Keywords: Automobile Accidents Automotive Aviation Computer Simulation Animation Construction Damage Assessment Design Patent Infringement Elevators Escalators Ladders Manlifts Engineering Fire Origin Cause Investigations Forklifts Furniture Safety Glass HVAC Hydraulics Industrial Equipment Intellectual Properties Manufacturing Materials Evaluation Science Mining Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction Oil Drilling OSHA Patents Pipe Pressure Vessels Failure Plastics Plumbing Premises Liability Product Analysis Development Project Management Railroads Refineries Reinforced Concrete Masonry Roofing Waterproofing Slip Trip Fall Small Home Appliances Structural Failure Defects Cooling Towers

Cadsim Engineering (Computer Aided Dynamic Simulations)
Davis, California
PO Box 4083, 52401

Contact:  Jose J Granda, PhD
530-902-3165 Or Toll Free
PO Box 4083
Davis, California 52401

Contact:  Jose J Granda, PhD

Jose Granda's CV

Jose Granda, Ecuadorian NASA Scientist, Received The International Fellow 2022 Award - Bullfrags

RESEARCH AND TEACHING AREAS: Computer Modeling & Simulation, Vehicle Dynamics & Design, Accident Biomechanics. System Dynamics & Controls, Finite Element Modeling, Multi Body Dynamics, Accident Biomechanics, Failure Analysis, Vibrations, Systems Engineering

SOFTWARE USED: Virtual Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction) , HVE (Human Vehicle Environmental computer analysis and simulation), PC Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction), Input Ace (Video Analysis) , IDRR (Human Factors), Working Model 2D ( Physics, Biomechanics, Force Analysis), SOLIDWORKS ( Mechanical Design, Finite Element Modeling), CDR Software (EDR Downloads and analysis), MATLAB (Computer Simulations) , SIMULINK (Control Systems, simulations), CAMPG (Computer Aided Modeling Program, Electro-Mechanical, Hydraulic Systems).

SPECIALTY FOCUS: Mechanical Engineering, Auto Accidents, Accident Biomechanics, EDR download, analysis, including TESLA, Work Place Accidents, Heavy Vehicles, Motorcycles, Pedestrians, Bicycles, Failure Analysis, Computer Models, Simulations, Finite Element Modeling (FEA), Human Factors, Vehicle Dynamics and Design.

QUALIFICATIONS; Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California State University in Sacramento, CA with 39+ yrs. experience. Professional Registered Mechanical Engineer (PE License, CA). An expert in accident reconstruction using computer simulations of accidents involving vehicles, trucks, heavy vehicles, motorcycles, biomechanics, pedestrians, bicycles, occupational, workplace, failure analysis impact forces, industrial accidents. EDR (Event Data Recorder) analysis including TESLA vehicles, patents.

EXPERT WITNESS EXPERIENCE: Written reports, depositions & trial experience.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING; Vehicle Dynamics and Design, Vehicle Safety & Crash Reconstruction, Accident Biomechanics, Finite Element Modeling in Computer Aided Design, Advanced Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis (CSUS); Motorcycle Accident reconstruction, (Northwestern University); EDR Certification, Tech 1, Tech II, EDR Analysis Certification (Collision Safety Institute); Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction (SAE Society of Automotive Engineers International); Expert witness training (SEAK Inc.); Advanced Accident Reconstruction Utilizing Human Factors course (Northwestern University); Photogrammetry for Collision Reconstruction (Lightpoint Data).

HONORS / AWARDS; Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, University of California, Davis. Outstanding Research Award, California State University. NASA Faculty Fellow. Chairman of the Technical Committee on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. SCS Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Chairman of the ICBGM’2021 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. International Keynote Speaker in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico. Editor of 14 books & author of 70 technical research papers.
Accident Reconstruction,  Automobile Accidents,  Bicycle Reconstructions,  Biomechanics,  Construction Accidents,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Mechanical Engineering,  Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction,  Pedestrian Reconstructions,  Product Liability,  Workplace Injury, 

Jose Granda's CV

Jose Granda, Ecuadorian NASA Scientist, Received The International Fellow 2022 Award - Bullfrags

RESEARCH AND TEACHING AREAS: Computer Modeling & Simulation, Vehicle Dynamics & Design, Accident Biomechanics. System Dynamics & Controls, Finite Element Modeling, Multi Body Dynamics, Accident Biomechanics, Failure Analysis, Vibrations, Systems Engineering

SOFTWARE USED: Virtual Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction) , HVE (Human Vehicle Environmental computer analysis and simulation), PC Crash (Vehicles Accident Reconstruction), Input Ace (Video Analysis) , IDRR (Human Factors), Working Model 2D ( Physics, Biomechanics, Force Analysis), SOLIDWORKS ( Mechanical Design, Finite Element Modeling), CDR Software (EDR Downloads and analysis), MATLAB (Computer Simulations) , SIMULINK (Control Systems, simulations), CAMPG (Computer Aided Modeling Program, Electro-Mechanical, Hydraulic Systems).

SPECIALTY FOCUS: Mechanical Engineering, Auto Accidents, Accident Biomechanics, EDR download, analysis, including TESLA, Work Place Accidents, Heavy Vehicles, Motorcycles, Pedestrians, Bicycles, Failure Analysis, Computer Models, Simulations, Finite Element Modeling (FEA), Human Factors, Vehicle Dynamics and Design.

QUALIFICATIONS; Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California State University in Sacramento, CA with 39+ yrs. experience. Professional Registered Mechanical Engineer (PE License, CA). An expert in accident reconstruction using computer simulations of accidents involving vehicles, trucks, heavy vehicles, motorcycles, biomechanics, pedestrians, bicycles, occupational, workplace, failure analysis impact forces, industrial accidents. EDR (Event Data Recorder) analysis including TESLA vehicles, patents.

EXPERT WITNESS EXPERIENCE: Written reports, depositions & trial experience.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING; Vehicle Dynamics and Design, Vehicle Safety & Crash Reconstruction, Accident Biomechanics, Finite Element Modeling in Computer Aided Design, Advanced Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis (CSUS); Motorcycle Accident reconstruction, (Northwestern University); EDR Certification, Tech 1, Tech II, EDR Analysis Certification (Collision Safety Institute); Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction (SAE Society of Automotive Engineers International); Expert witness training (SEAK Inc.); Advanced Accident Reconstruction Utilizing Human Factors course (Northwestern University); Photogrammetry for Collision Reconstruction (Lightpoint Data).

HONORS / AWARDS; Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, University of California, Davis. Outstanding Research Award, California State University. NASA Faculty Fellow. Chairman of the Technical Committee on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. SCS Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Chairman of the ICBGM’2021 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling & Simulation. International Keynote Speaker in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico. Editor of 14 books & author of 70 technical research papers.