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Summit Ridge Group, LLC
New York, New York
49 West 38th Street 12th Floor, 10018

Contact:  J. Armand Musey
212-433-4800 Or Toll Free
49 West 38th Street 12th Floor
New York, New York 10018

Contact:  J. Armand Musey

J. Armand Musey's CV

Cell: (917) 514-2132

Summit Ridge Group provides the Business valuation, financial consulting, industry research, and litigation support services – exclusively focused around our core satellite, media, and telecommunications expertise. Our experience includes years of experience in valuation, Wall Street research, investment banking, investment management, as well as our ongoing consulting work.

Summit Ridge Group is proud to have worked with many leading law firms on high-profile litigation matters - in both state and federal court, as well as in arbitration proceedings. Our domain expertise, combined with our financial valuation skills, enables us to provide high-quality testimony and communicate efficiently with attorneys. We eliminate the difficult choice attorneys often face between a) a qualified valuation expert without in-depth industry knowledge; or b) an industry expert who does not have strong valuation credentials. Litigation attorneys have reacted well to our selectivity and industry focus - a large percentage of our litigation support work comes from repeat business with law firms with whom we have previously worked.

In addition to our work experience, Summit Ridge Group professionals also hold top credentials in business valuation and related domains. These credentials include MBA and JD degrees from leading business and law schools, and financial credentials, including the Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), and Certified Public Accountant/Accredited in Business Valuation (CPA/ABV) designations.

As a boutique firm, Summit Ridge Group is small enough to be able to provide personalized service, why being large enough to have the team and other resources to do first-rate work. The combination of our valuation experience and our extensive training allows us to efficiently perform accurate, independent valuations that withstand scrutiny in court, before tax authorities, and in front of parties involved in a potential transaction or negotiation.
Business Valuation,  Cellular, Satellite, and Wireless Technology,  Economic Damages,  Telecommunications, 

J. Armand Musey's CV

Cell: (917) 514-2132

Summit Ridge Group provides the Business valuation, financial consulting, industry research, and litigation support services – exclusively focused around our core satellite, media, and telecommunications expertise. Our experience includes years of experience in valuation, Wall Street research, investment banking, investment management, as well as our ongoing consulting work.

Summit Ridge Group is proud to have worked with many leading law firms on high-profile litigation matters - in both state and federal court, as well as in arbitration proceedings. Our domain expertise, combined with our financial valuation skills, enables us to provide high-quality testimony and communicate efficiently with attorneys. We eliminate the difficult choice attorneys often face between a) a qualified valuation expert without in-depth industry knowledge; or b) an industry expert who does not have strong valuation credentials. Litigation attorneys have reacted well to our selectivity and industry focus - a large percentage of our litigation support work comes from repeat business with law firms with whom we have previously worked.

In addition to our work experience, Summit Ridge Group professionals also hold top credentials in business valuation and related domains. These credentials include MBA and JD degrees from leading business and law schools, and financial credentials, including the Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), and Certified Public Accountant/Accredited in Business Valuation (CPA/ABV) designations.

As a boutique firm, Summit Ridge Group is small enough to be able to provide personalized service, why being large enough to have the team and other resources to do first-rate work. The combination of our valuation experience and our extensive training allows us to efficiently perform accurate, independent valuations that withstand scrutiny in court, before tax authorities, and in front of parties involved in a potential transaction or negotiation.

Accountant Victor P. Republicano, Jr., CPA, CGMA, DABFA, FACFE COURTCPA.COM
Alameda, California
875 Island Drive, Suite 250, 94502

510-522-7111 Or Toll Free
Fax: 510-580-7077

875 Island Drive, Suite 250
Alameda, California 94502

Fax: 510-580-7077

Victor P. Republicano, Jr., CPA, CGMA, DABFA, FACFE provides forensic accounting, litigation consulting and expert testimony, to business owners, management, lawyers and their clients ...since 1977. Mr. Republicano's clients include: attorneys, arbitrators, law firms and their clients, mediators, parties to litigation; and, business executives (c-suite), entrepreneurs, management, owners, shareholders and board members.
Accountants Malpractice,  Accounting,  Banking and Finance,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  Civil Litigation,  Claims,  Construction Claims,  Consultants,  Contract Disputes,  Corporate Governance,  Cost Analysis,  CPA,  Credit Damages,  Damage Calculations,  Dental Malpractice,  Disputes,  Divorce,  Economic Damages,  Expert Witness,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Expert Witness Testimonies,  Family Law,  Financial Management,  Forensic Accounting,  Fraud Examiners,  Investment Management,  Lease Accounting,  Litigation Consulting,  Lost Profit,  Lost Wage Claims,  Mediation,  Medical Malpractice,  Mergers,  Multi Level Affiliate Marketing,  Nutrition,  Personal Injury,  Property Management,  Real Estate Valuation and Consulting,  Restaurant Consultants,  Retirement Valuation,  SBA Real Estate Lending,  Securities,  Structured Settlements,  Trial Preparation,  Wage Disputes,  Wrongful Death,  Wrongful Termination, 

Victor P. Republicano, Jr., CPA, CGMA, DABFA, FACFE provides forensic accounting, litigation consulting and expert testimony, to business owners, management, lawyers and their clients ...since 1977. Mr. Republicano's clients include: attorneys, arbitrators, law firms and their clients, mediators, parties to litigation; and, business executives (c-suite), entrepreneurs, management, owners, shareholders and board members.

Colliers International Valuation & Advisory Services
Southfield, Michigan
2 Corporate Drive, 48076

Contact:  David J. Abraham, MAI
734-674-9505 Or Toll Free
2 Corporate Drive
Southfield, Michigan 48076

Contact:  David J. Abraham, MAI
Real estate and business valuations play a pivotal role in today’s legal and business climate. An accurate and well supported opinion of value can mean the difference between reaching a critical goal—winning a case, reporting to investors, choosing the best asset—or failing to achieve it altogether. Commitment to high-end client service, coupled with Colliers International’s unparalleled market intelligence and resources, differentiates us as the firm of choice in the realm of litigation support. With professionals in 64 countries and 200 offices, we have the breadth of experience to focus our team on the most complex real estate issues; from easements to wind farms to avigation easements, let David Abraham and his Colliers Team bring their experience and resources to bear on your behalf.
Appraisers,  Business Valuation,  Estate Valuation,  Real Estate Valuation and Consulting,  Receivership, 

Real estate and business valuations play a pivotal role in today’s legal and business climate. An accurate and well supported opinion of value can mean the difference between reaching a critical goal—winning a case, reporting to investors, choosing the best asset—or failing to achieve it altogether. Commitment to high-end client service, coupled with Colliers International’s unparalleled market intelligence and resources, differentiates us as the firm of choice in the realm of litigation support. With professionals in 64 countries and 200 offices, we have the breadth of experience to focus our team on the most complex real estate issues; from easements to wind farms to avigation easements, let David Abraham and his Colliers Team bring their experience and resources to bear on your behalf.

Whippany, New Jersey
110 South Jefferson Road, 07981

Contact:  Joseph B. Matheson
973-428-8885 Or Toll Free
110 South Jefferson Road
Whippany, New Jersey 07981

Contact:  Joseph B. Matheson
MATHESON & ASSOCIATES, LLC is a full service accounting firm focused on the needs of businesses and high net worth individuals as well as providing business valuation, forensic and litigation support to attorneys and litigants. A partial list of services include: forensic accounting, fraud examinations, calculation of financial or business losses, economic damages, business valuations, management advisory services, tax preparation and planning, and other familiar accounting functions.
Accounting,  Business Valuation,  CPA,  Economic Damages,  Economics,  Forensic Accounting,  Fraud Examiners, 

MATHESON & ASSOCIATES, LLC is a full service accounting firm focused on the needs of businesses and high net worth individuals as well as providing business valuation, forensic and litigation support to attorneys and litigants. A partial list of services include: forensic accounting, fraud examinations, calculation of financial or business losses, economic damages, business valuations, management advisory services, tax preparation and planning, and other familiar accounting functions.

Chicago, Illinois
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2100, 60601

773-671-1950 Or Toll Free
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2100
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Cell: 773-671-1950

Courts and arbitral bodies have recognized Mr. Pakter as an expert in economic damages, accounting, financial His expertise includes:

·~Economic Damages
(Lost profits/earnings, business interruption, actual compensatory and other economic damages);
·~Commercial Litigation Support
(Discovery assistance, evidence/deposition/trial binders, testimony and litigation support);
~Forensic Accounting
(Financial forensics, analysis of transactions/balances and reconstructing accounting books/records);
Distressed Businesses
(Fraudulent conveyances, solvency, preferences and plan feasibility);
(Internal corporate investigations, fraud detection, financial reporting irregularities and employee misconduct);
·~Valuation Analysis
(Contractual disputes, claims, distressed businesses, turnarounds and bankruptcy core proceedings);
·~Accounting Analysis
(Accounting books and records, internal controls, business processes and business performance).
Accountants Malpractice,  Accounting,  Bankruptcy,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  CPA,  Economic Damages,  Forensic Accounting,  Fraud Examiners,  Lost Profit, 

Cell: 773-671-1950

Courts and arbitral bodies have recognized Mr. Pakter as an expert in economic damages, accounting, financial His expertise includes:

·~Economic Damages
(Lost profits/earnings, business interruption, actual compensatory and other economic damages);
·~Commercial Litigation Support
(Discovery assistance, evidence/deposition/trial binders, testimony and litigation support);
~Forensic Accounting
(Financial forensics, analysis of transactions/balances and reconstructing accounting books/records);
Distressed Businesses
(Fraudulent conveyances, solvency, preferences and plan feasibility);
(Internal corporate investigations, fraud detection, financial reporting irregularities and employee misconduct);
·~Valuation Analysis
(Contractual disputes, claims, distressed businesses, turnarounds and bankruptcy core proceedings);
·~Accounting Analysis
(Accounting books and records, internal controls, business processes and business performance).

Houston, Texas
440 Louisiana Street, Suite 2550, 77072

Contact:  Silvia Zurita
713-677-0198 Or Toll Free
440 Louisiana Street, Suite 2550
Houston, Texas 77072

Contact:  Silvia Zurita
SOCOTEC provides professional services to the world's leading corporations, government and other public agencies, emerging growth companies, small businesses, financial institutions, and their legal counsel.
Accident Investigations,  Bankruptcy,  Building Code Compliance,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  Chemical Engineering,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Claims,  Code Compliance,  Codes and Standards,  Construction,  Construction Claims,  Construction Defects,  Construction Delays,  Construction Management,  Construction Safety,  Consultants,  Contract Disputes,  Corrosion Engineering,  Cost Analysis,  Cranes,  Damage Calculations,  Economic Damages,  Economics and Business Damages,  Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Errors and Omissions,  Expert Witness,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Failure Analysis,  Forensic Accounting,  Geotechnical Engineering,  Heating and Air Conditioning,  HVAC Investigations,  Industrial Chemicals,  Industrial Engineering,  Insurance Claims and Disputes,  Intellectual Properties,  Investigation of HVAC and Piping System Failures,  Litigation Consulting,  Litigation Support,  Lost Profit,  M and A Contract Disputes,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Oil and Gas,  Personal Injury,  Petrochemical,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Process Safety Chemicals and Oil Refining,  Risk Assessment,  Roofing,  Roofing and Waterproofing,  Roofing and Waterproofing Forensics,  Standard of Care,  Structural Engineering,  Water and Flood Damage, 

SOCOTEC provides professional services to the world's leading corporations, government and other public agencies, emerging growth companies, small businesses, financial institutions, and their legal counsel.

Sullivan Company Cpa Inc.
San Mateo, California
3 East Third Avenue Suite 230, 94401

Contact:  Brian Sullivan, CPA/ABV, CVA, CBA, CFE, CMAP
650-548-1120 Or Toll Free 650-730-9848
3 East Third Avenue Suite 230
San Mateo, California 94401

Contact:  Brian Sullivan, CPA/ABV, CVA, CBA, CFE, CMAP
650-548-1120 Or Toll Free 650-730-9848
Brian A. Sullivan, CPA/ABV, CVA, CBA, CFE, CMAP, is a Forensic Accountant and Business Valuation specialist in the Food and Beverage Industry. Mr. Sullivan integrates accounting and auditing knowledge with investigative skills gained from more than 30 years of practical business experience resolving financial disputes, including breach of contract, embezzlement, fraud, personal injury, and shareholder disputes. Litigation Support - Mr. Sullivan is an experienced Valuation Expert Witness and court-appointed referee who specializes in Food and Beverage Business Valuations. One of the few individuals with multiple accreditations (including CPA/ABV and CVA), as well as a background in forensic accounting and business valuation, he is strongly qualified. When attorneys for food and beverage companies need an expert witness who works directly with them and has a reputation for clarity and composure on the stand, they turn to Mr. Sullivan.
Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  CPA,  Forensic Accounting,  Lost Profit,  Personal Injury, 

Brian A. Sullivan, CPA/ABV, CVA, CBA, CFE, CMAP, is a Forensic Accountant and Business Valuation specialist in the Food and Beverage Industry. Mr. Sullivan integrates accounting and auditing knowledge with investigative skills gained from more than 30 years of practical business experience resolving financial disputes, including breach of contract, embezzlement, fraud, personal injury, and shareholder disputes. Litigation Support - Mr. Sullivan is an experienced Valuation Expert Witness and court-appointed referee who specializes in Food and Beverage Business Valuations. One of the few individuals with multiple accreditations (including CPA/ABV and CVA), as well as a background in forensic accounting and business valuation, he is strongly qualified. When attorneys for food and beverage companies need an expert witness who works directly with them and has a reputation for clarity and composure on the stand, they turn to Mr. Sullivan.

Engel & Engel, LLP Complex Business Litigation~Forensic Accountants
Los Angeles, California
350 South Grand Ave Suite 3160, 90071

Contact:  Jason A. Engel , CPA, CFE, CIRA, CVA, MAFF, ABV
310-277-2220 Or Toll Free
Complex Business Litigation~Forensic Accountants
350 South Grand Ave Suite 3160
Los Angeles, California 90071

Contact:  Jason A. Engel , CPA, CFE, CIRA, CVA, MAFF, ABV
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.

Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages.

Mr. Engel's professional credentials include those of Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).

Mr. Engel has been engaged in the practice of forensic accounting and expert testimony for forty years including forensic experience at two of the Big 4 accounting firms. Mr. Engel has testified in federal courts, bankruptcy courts, state courts, and arbitration. He has also served as a court appointed accounting referee.

Mr. Engel's experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, fraud, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction litigation, real estate litigation, employment litigation, business interruption, partnership and corporate dissolution, and accounting malpractice.
Accounting,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  CPA,  Disputes,  Economic Damages,  Economics and Business Damages,  Economics and Business Damages,  Forensic Accounting,  Forensic Economics ,  Fraud Examiners,  Intellectual Properties,  Litigation Consulting,  Lost Profit, 

Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.

Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages.

Mr. Engel's professional credentials include those of Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).

Mr. Engel has been engaged in the practice of forensic accounting and expert testimony for forty years including forensic experience at two of the Big 4 accounting firms. Mr. Engel has testified in federal courts, bankruptcy courts, state courts, and arbitration. He has also served as a court appointed accounting referee.

Mr. Engel's experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, fraud, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction litigation, real estate litigation, employment litigation, business interruption, partnership and corporate dissolution, and accounting malpractice.

Shreveport, Louisiana
900 Pierremont Road, Suite 120, 71106

Contact:  Chad M Garland
318-220-4416 Or Toll Free
900 Pierremont Road, Suite 120
Shreveport, Louisiana 71106

Contact:  Chad M Garland
Chad M. Garland is a licensed CPA in Louisiana since 1981 and in Texas since 2009, he has an extensive education and working experience in the fields of accounting, finance and banking. Chad has served on the board of directors for two prominent companies and as President of the Ark-La-Tex Cash Management Association.

His experience includes bankruptcy, expert witness testimony, litigation services, business valuations, small business consulting, budgeting, tax planning, financial reporting, management oversight, and as a workout specialist for troubled companies.

Currently, Chad focuses his expertise on the areas of litigation services including bankruptcy, forensic and fraud accounting and expert witness testimony, business valuations, income taxes, and small business consulting. As an expert witness, he has testified in both district and federal courts.
Accounting,  Business Valuation,  Forensic Accounting,  Fraud Examiners,  Litigation Services, 

Chad M. Garland is a licensed CPA in Louisiana since 1981 and in Texas since 2009, he has an extensive education and working experience in the fields of accounting, finance and banking. Chad has served on the board of directors for two prominent companies and as President of the Ark-La-Tex Cash Management Association.

His experience includes bankruptcy, expert witness testimony, litigation services, business valuations, small business consulting, budgeting, tax planning, financial reporting, management oversight, and as a workout specialist for troubled companies.

Currently, Chad focuses his expertise on the areas of litigation services including bankruptcy, forensic and fraud accounting and expert witness testimony, business valuations, income taxes, and small business consulting. As an expert witness, he has testified in both district and federal courts.

Bryan L. Parker, CPA, LLC
Chelsea, Alabama
, 35043

Contact:  Bryan Parker
205-664-1212 Or Toll Free

Chelsea, Alabama 35043

Contact:  Bryan Parker
Accounting,  Acquisitions,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  Divorce,  Forensic Accounting,  Lost Profit,  Mergers, 

Thomas Neches & Company LLP
Los Angeles, California
633 West 5th Street, Suite 2800, 90071-2039

Contact:  Thomas M. Neches -
213-624-8150 Or Toll Free
633 West 5th Street, Suite 2800
Los Angeles, California 90071-2039

Contact:  Thomas M. Neches -
With more than thirty-three years of experience as a forensic accountant, Thomas Neches is a leading CPA witness in the Los Angeles area of California. He has testified as a CPA expert witness in both state and federal courts throughout the nation on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in a broad range of case types and industries.

Since its founding on January 1, 2000, Thomas Neches & Company LLP has been retained in more than 500 engagements. In every case, Mr. Neches has been the hands-on manager of the analysis, the person who authors all reports, and the person who provides the CPA expert testimony. Mr. Neches maintains a large number of credentials as well as hands-on experience in the field.

Certifications and Accreditations-
-Certified Public Accountant
-Accredited in Business Valuation
-Certified Valuation Analyst
-Certified Fraud Examiner
-Certified in Financial Forensics
-California State Board of Accountancy
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
-National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
-Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

To maintain these credentials, Mr. Neches participates in Continuing Professional Education classes every year.
Accounting,  Business Valuation,  CPA,  Forensic Accounting,  Intellectual Properties, 

With more than thirty-three years of experience as a forensic accountant, Thomas Neches is a leading CPA witness in the Los Angeles area of California. He has testified as a CPA expert witness in both state and federal courts throughout the nation on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in a broad range of case types and industries.

Since its founding on January 1, 2000, Thomas Neches & Company LLP has been retained in more than 500 engagements. In every case, Mr. Neches has been the hands-on manager of the analysis, the person who authors all reports, and the person who provides the CPA expert testimony. Mr. Neches maintains a large number of credentials as well as hands-on experience in the field.

Certifications and Accreditations-
-Certified Public Accountant
-Accredited in Business Valuation
-Certified Valuation Analyst
-Certified Fraud Examiner
-Certified in Financial Forensics
-California State Board of Accountancy
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
-National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
-Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

To maintain these credentials, Mr. Neches participates in Continuing Professional Education classes every year.

White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt
Sherman Oaks, California
15490 Ventura Blvd Suite 300, 91403

Contact:  Barbara Luna
818-981-4226 Or Toll Free 866-981-4226
15490 Ventura Blvd Suite 300
Sherman Oaks, California 91403

Contact:  Barbara Luna
818-981-4226 Or Toll Free 866-981-4226
Barbara Luna is a Senior Partner in the accounting and litigation services firm of White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt. She has served as a forensic accounting, fraud, damages & valuation expert witness for over thirty years in business and personal injury litigation and bankruptcy matters. She analyzes financial issues, accounting & economic matters, business, real estate and valuation issues relating to liability and damages in litigation matters and reorganization of businesses. She has testified on numerous occasions in U.S. District Court, Superior Court, Bankruptcy Court, arbitrations and depositions.
Accounting,  Business Damages,  Business Valuation,  Damage Calculations,  Economic Damages,  Forensic Accounting,  Fraud Examiners,  Intellectual Properties,  Lost Profit,  Personal Injury,  Securities,  Wrongful Termination, 

Barbara Luna is a Senior Partner in the accounting and litigation services firm of White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt. She has served as a forensic accounting, fraud, damages & valuation expert witness for over thirty years in business and personal injury litigation and bankruptcy matters. She analyzes financial issues, accounting & economic matters, business, real estate and valuation issues relating to liability and damages in litigation matters and reorganization of businesses. She has testified on numerous occasions in U.S. District Court, Superior Court, Bankruptcy Court, arbitrations and depositions.

Bronswick Benjamin P.C.
Chicago, Illinois
8750 W Bryn Mawr Suite 650, 60631

Contact:  Mitchell Cohen, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CFLC
847-829-1853 Or Toll Free
8750 W Bryn Mawr Suite 650
Chicago, Illinois 60631

Contact:  Mitchell Cohen, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CFLC
At Bronswick Benjamin P.C. , our litigation support practice is results-driven. We emphasize integrity, client service, strategic thinking, and innovative solutions to complex problems. We calculate and prove the financial impact of events arising from conflicts, accidents, and natural occurrences to name a few.
Accounting,  Business Valuation,  Forensic Accounting,  Lease Accounting, 

At Bronswick Benjamin P.C. , our litigation support practice is results-driven. We emphasize integrity, client service, strategic thinking, and innovative solutions to complex problems. We calculate and prove the financial impact of events arising from conflicts, accidents, and natural occurrences to name a few.

Green Season Consulting
Franklin, Tennessee
PO Box 680716, 37068

Contact:  Mr. Marty Shaw
615-794-4377 Or Toll Free

PO Box 680716
Franklin, Tennessee 37068

Contact:  Mr. Marty Shaw

Marty Shaw's CV

Do you need a top tree expert or an expert witness for your project or litigation case involving trees? Look no further. Marty Shaw, is among the top tree experts in the USA. He was the first Academy Registered member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists in Tennessee. Marty is an internationally recognized author of independently published subject matter books and has nearly three decades of consulting experience. Marty has been credentialed in horticulture, arboriculture, nursery production, real-estate, insurance and has been an FAA Pilot since 2016. Marty is one of only a handful of arborists worldwide who consult full time.

Over his long career, Marty has trained thousands of individuals and organizations in the proper management of their trees. Many of Marty's assignments as an expert witness include high profile cases- including forensic investigations for personal injury, negligence, gross negligence, civil trespass, and criminal trespass. Marty has also performed amenity tree appraisals for both civil and criminal cases. Marty has performed extensive work on historic tree preservation, tree hazard evaluations, risk assessments, tree safety policies, and much more. Marty handles small projects to large government contractors and everything in between. Call today to discuss your project or case.
Accident Investigations,  Agricultural Pesticides and Herbicides ,  Appraisers,  Arboriculture,  Arborist,  Business Valuation,  Construction Accidents,  Golf Course Accident Investigation Analysis and Reports,  Real Estate Appraisal, 

Marty Shaw's CV

Do you need a top tree expert or an expert witness for your project or litigation case involving trees? Look no further. Marty Shaw, is among the top tree experts in the USA. He was the first Academy Registered member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists in Tennessee. Marty is an internationally recognized author of independently published subject matter books and has nearly three decades of consulting experience. Marty has been credentialed in horticulture, arboriculture, nursery production, real-estate, insurance and has been an FAA Pilot since 2016. Marty is one of only a handful of arborists worldwide who consult full time.

Over his long career, Marty has trained thousands of individuals and organizations in the proper management of their trees. Many of Marty's assignments as an expert witness include high profile cases- including forensic investigations for personal injury, negligence, gross negligence, civil trespass, and criminal trespass. Marty has also performed amenity tree appraisals for both civil and criminal cases. Marty has performed extensive work on historic tree preservation, tree hazard evaluations, risk assessments, tree safety policies, and much more. Marty handles small projects to large government contractors and everything in between. Call today to discuss your project or case.

CONSOR Intellectual Asset Management
La Jolla, California
7514 Girard Ave Suite 1500, 92037

Contact:  Weston Anson

858-454-9091 Or Toll Free
7514 Girard Ave Suite 1500
La Jolla, California 92037

Contact:  Weston Anson

Business Valuation,  Copyright Infringement,  Intellectual Properties,  Patents,  Trademark, 

CBIZ Valuation Group, LLC
Cleveland, Ohio
5959 Rockside Woods Blvd. N., Suite 600, 44131

5959 Rockside Woods Blvd. N., Suite 600
Cleveland, Ohio 44131

Mr. Nicholson has over 25 years of diversified business valuation experience. He has provided business valuation services in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, gift and estate tax planning, corporate reorganizations, transfer pricing studies, bankruptcy, and litigation support. He has testified as an expert witness in Federal Bankruptcy Court as well as various state courts. His litigation support experience includes bankruptcy, division of marital property, dissenting shareholder suits, condemnation, patent infringement and other business damage claims.
Business Valuation,  Health Care, 

Mr. Nicholson has over 25 years of diversified business valuation experience. He has provided business valuation services in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, gift and estate tax planning, corporate reorganizations, transfer pricing studies, bankruptcy, and litigation support. He has testified as an expert witness in Federal Bankruptcy Court as well as various state courts. His litigation support experience includes bankruptcy, division of marital property, dissenting shareholder suits, condemnation, patent infringement and other business damage claims.