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Eckstine & Associates, Inc.
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
10817 Partridge Drive, 17268

Contact:  Matthew Eckstine
717-762-1555 Or Toll Free
10817 Partridge Drive
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania 17268

Contact:  Matthew Eckstine
717-762-1555 (option 2)

Eckstine & Associates, Inc. (E & A) provides litigation support, safety consulting, safety training, and engineering consulting services relating to construction, industrial, and agricultural equipment. Our expertise regarding lifting equipment is unparalleled. Typical clients include equipment owners/users, manufacturers, insurance companies, governmental agencies, and the legal community.

Each (E & A) expert has between 8 and 30 years experience in the product safety or engineering departments of major equipment manufacturers. Dennis Eckstine is our principal consultant and he has over 25 years of experience with products liability litigation. Our personnel are frequently noted authorities in the safety and technical aspects of construction and industrial equipment. They include a former Vice President of a key manufacturer of aerial work platforms, a previous Director in the engineering department of a leading manufacturer of cranes, and a former Chief Engineer of a major manufacturer of construction equipment.
Aerial Lifts,  ANSI Standards,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cranes,  Equipment and Machinery,  Forklifts,  Hydraulics,  Industrial Design,  Industrial Equipment,  Ladders and Manlifts,  Material Handling, 

717-762-1555 (option 2)

Eckstine & Associates, Inc. (E & A) provides litigation support, safety consulting, safety training, and engineering consulting services relating to construction, industrial, and agricultural equipment. Our expertise regarding lifting equipment is unparalleled. Typical clients include equipment owners/users, manufacturers, insurance companies, governmental agencies, and the legal community.

Each (E & A) expert has between 8 and 30 years experience in the product safety or engineering departments of major equipment manufacturers. Dennis Eckstine is our principal consultant and he has over 25 years of experience with products liability litigation. Our personnel are frequently noted authorities in the safety and technical aspects of construction and industrial equipment. They include a former Vice President of a key manufacturer of aerial work platforms, a previous Director in the engineering department of a leading manufacturer of cranes, and a former Chief Engineer of a major manufacturer of construction equipment.

Safety Through Engineering, Inc.
New Carlisle, Ohio
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike, 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
937-964-1900 Or Toll Free
9363 Detrick Jordan Pike
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344

Contact:  Michael C. Wright, MSCE, PE, CSP, CPE, President
Amusement Parks,  ANSI Standards,  Code Compliance,  Confined Space,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cranes,  Engineering,  Failure Analysis,  Fall Protection,  Job Safety Analysis,  Machine Safety,  OSHA,  Product Liability,  Safety,  Safety Audit,  Safety Engineering,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Structural Failure,  Training Programs,  Wrongful Death, 

Crane Experts International Inc.
Fairhope, Alabama
PO Box 461, 36533

Contact:  James Pritchett
251-533-0498 Or Toll Free
PO Box 461
Fairhope, Alabama 36533

Contact:  James Pritchett
Crane Experts International, Inc. is proud to include the following distinctions:

James Pritchett

- James Pritchett has been in business since 1987 under the name of Crane Inspection Services, Inc., my main business. Crane Inspection Services, Inc. is a recognized private agency, accredited by the U.S. Department of Labor under 29 CFR Part 1919, to inspect, test, and issue documents/papers of certification where required on shore-based material handling devices, without limitation, and floating cranes and derricks under the OSHA Maritime Safety Regulations 29 CFR Parts 1915 (shipyards), 1917 (marine terminals), and 1918 (longshoring). Crane Inspection Services, Inc. is capable of load testing, inspecting, and performing training/schools for all types of cranes that are general industry and construction related.

- James Pritchett is past accredited by OSHA to teach courses in Construction Safety and Health Regulations

- James Pritchett is a past instructor for the U.S. Department of Labor and provide training in the 1910 Standards as they apply to cranes.

- James Pritchett is one of a small number of delegates from the United States of Americato the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) within ISO, Technical Committee for Cranes TC96. This committeeformulation of crane safety guidelines.

- James Pritchett is Past President of the Crane Certification Association of America(CCAA). This is a national association that is made up of the maritime agencies nationwide.

Accident Injury,  Aerial Lifts,  ANSI Standards,  Construction Safety,  Cranes,  Equipment and Machinery,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Expert Witness Testimonies,  Forklifts,  Industrial Accidents,  Job Safety Analysis,  Labels and Warnings,  Ladders and Manlifts,  Litigation Consulting,  Litigation Support,  Material Handling,  OSHA,  Safety,  Safety Audit,  Safety Engineering,  Ships,  Structural Failure,  Technical,  Training Programs,  Trial Consultants,  Trial Preparation, 

Crane Experts International, Inc. is proud to include the following distinctions:

James Pritchett

- James Pritchett has been in business since 1987 under the name of Crane Inspection Services, Inc., my main business. Crane Inspection Services, Inc. is a recognized private agency, accredited by the U.S. Department of Labor under 29 CFR Part 1919, to inspect, test, and issue documents/papers of certification where required on shore-based material handling devices, without limitation, and floating cranes and derricks under the OSHA Maritime Safety Regulations 29 CFR Parts 1915 (shipyards), 1917 (marine terminals), and 1918 (longshoring). Crane Inspection Services, Inc. is capable of load testing, inspecting, and performing training/schools for all types of cranes that are general industry and construction related.

- James Pritchett is past accredited by OSHA to teach courses in Construction Safety and Health Regulations

- James Pritchett is a past instructor for the U.S. Department of Labor and provide training in the 1910 Standards as they apply to cranes.

- James Pritchett is one of a small number of delegates from the United States of Americato the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) within ISO, Technical Committee for Cranes TC96. This committeeformulation of crane safety guidelines.

- James Pritchett is Past President of the Crane Certification Association of America(CCAA). This is a national association that is made up of the maritime agencies nationwide.

The Kilpatrick Group, PA.
Jamestown, North Carolina
3397 Cherrybrook Drive, 27282

Contact:  Gary E. Kilpatrick
336-841-6354 Or Toll Free
3397 Cherrybrook Drive
Jamestown, North Carolina 27282

Contact:  Gary E. Kilpatrick

Gary Kilpatrick's CV

Cell: 336-803-1639

Gary E. Kilpatrick and Associates, P.A. is a forensics engineering firm dedicated to the application of the art, science and methodology of engineering and the scientific method to answer questions of fact in the jurisprudence system pertaining to personal injury and wrongful death concerning accidents and product defects and failures.
Accident Investigations,  Accident Reconstruction,  Aerial Lifts,  Amusement Parks,  Analysis,  ANSI Standards,  Computer Animation,  Conveyors,  Cranes,  Elevators and Escalators,  Farms and Farm Safety,  Food Manufacturing,  Forensic Engineering,  Forklifts,  Forklifts and Cranes,  Forklifts and Cranes,  Human Factors,  Industrial Accidents,  Industrial Accidents,  Industrial Equipment,  Job Safety Analysis,  Labels and Warnings,  Ladders and Manlifts,  Machine Safety,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Material Handling,  OSHA,  Pipeline Pressure Vessels Failure,  Product Warnings,  Safety,  Safety Audit,  Safety Engineering,  Safety Occupational,  Warehouse and Storage,  Workers' Compensation, 

Gary Kilpatrick's CV

Cell: 336-803-1639

Gary E. Kilpatrick and Associates, P.A. is a forensics engineering firm dedicated to the application of the art, science and methodology of engineering and the scientific method to answer questions of fact in the jurisprudence system pertaining to personal injury and wrongful death concerning accidents and product defects and failures.

David C. Gross, PhD, PE
West Lafayette, Indiana
1330 Win Hentschel Blvd, 47906

Contact:  David C. Gross, PhD, PE
765-404-4692 Or Toll Free
1330 Win Hentschel Blvd
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906

Contact:  David C. Gross, PhD, PE
Cell: 765-404-4692

David Gross, PhD, PE, is the Director of MRI Safety Evaluations and Engineering Simulations at MED Institute. As a graduate research associate, he was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association (AHA) for his research focusing on improving the MRI safety of patients with implanted cardiovascular devices. He is a member of numerous societies, including the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) where he received the Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at the 2016 ISMRM Annual Conference. Additionally, he was a member of the Ethics Subcommittee for the Biomedical Engineering Society. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S.E. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. He also holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ohio State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer.
Accident Analysis,  ANSI Standards,  Biomechanics,  Biomedical and Biomechanical Injury Analysis,  Biomedical Engineering,  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),  Failure Analysis,  Intellectual Properties,  Medical Devices,  MRI,  Product Failure Determination,  Product Liability, 

Cell: 765-404-4692

David Gross, PhD, PE, is the Director of MRI Safety Evaluations and Engineering Simulations at MED Institute. As a graduate research associate, he was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association (AHA) for his research focusing on improving the MRI safety of patients with implanted cardiovascular devices. He is a member of numerous societies, including the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) where he received the Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at the 2016 ISMRM Annual Conference. Additionally, he was a member of the Ethics Subcommittee for the Biomedical Engineering Society. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S.E. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. He also holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ohio State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer.