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PEG, Inc. Experts Professional Engineering Group
Birmingham, Alabama
950 22nd Street North, Suite 632, 35203

Contact:  Lamar T. Hawkins, J.D., P.E.
205-458-8516 Or Toll Free
Experts Professional Engineering Group
950 22nd Street North, Suite 632
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

Contact:  Lamar T. Hawkins, J.D., P.E.
"Free telephone conference call about your case." ---------- Serving the Southeast Region.
Accident Reconstruction,  Building Code Compliance,  Building Vibration Analysis,  Civil Construction and Engineering,  Civil Engineering,  Code Compliance,  Concrete and Masonry,  Construction Accidents,  Construction Defects,  Construction Safety,  Cooling Towers,  Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Fall Protection,  Forensic Engineering,  Manufacturing Accidents,  Mechanical Engineering,  Metallurgy,  Motor Vehicles,  OSHA,  Paint and Coatings,  Premises Liability,  Safety,  Safety Engineering,  Slip, Trip, and Fall,  Structural Engineering,  Trucking, 

"Free telephone conference call about your case." ---------- Serving the Southeast Region.